Hello Susan,
nouvel échec pour installer la version de test. Je suis si triste. Voici le nouveau message.
Bonne journée
Hello Susan,
nouvel échec pour installer la version de test. Je suis si triste. Voici le nouveau message.
Bonne journée
J’en suis également triste. Essayez ceci: Redémarrez pour fermer toutes les installations inachevées. Faites un clic droit sur seamly2d-installer.exe et sélectionnez «Exécuter en tant qu’administrateur».
I am sad about this too. Try this: Reboot to close any unfinished installations. Right click on seamly2d-installer.exe and select ‘Run as administrator’.
Ca y est j’ai pu installer la version de test. Je dois me déplacer quelques jours et commencerai à tester à mon retour.
Bonne soirée
JE SUIS TRÈS HEUREUX !!! @ Clauettedu02 !!! Merci pour votre patience et votre confiance.
I AM SO HAPPY !!! @Clauettedu02 !!! We’re very glad the installation went well for you.Thank you for your patience and trust.
@Anni We concentrated on making the build and did not include feature improvements. So you should see very little difference in this test build.
Ich habe auf Windowa 10 instaliert und keine Probleme gehabt. Die Popup-Meldung habe ich gesehen. Das Programm läuft weiterhin auf meinem Rechner.
Thanks. I’m really sure that I like the new typefaces. Perhaps they’ll grow on me
I installed it on my Windows 10 pc with no problem, but using it, it seems to lag a bit. I don’t know if it’s because Windows is downloading upgrades or not, but it’s never done this in the previous version.
Typically Windows updates are huge and they slow down PCs dramatically. I haven’t noticed a slowdown with the new build.
Kindly please let us know tomorrow after your updates if you notice a difference! This would be a very important bit of info.
@Scholli - Vielen Dank für die Installation und die Mitteilung, dass alles gut gelaufen ist.
@Scholli - Thank you for installing and letting us know that all went well.
Yes, the new typeface in some places is very nice but it’s a bit thin and spindly for working with ‘older eyes’
It seems to be fine now, but I’ll keep an eye on it. It seemed to lag progressively as the design progressed, to such a point that, while I was creating the detail, I had to wait about a minute for a node selection to register after clicking it, and (since I have 16 GB RAM and all the graphics cards on my PC) the Windows update should’ve have made any difference except, perhaps, to the speed of the internet.
About the test release of seamly2d, pls is it going to update the older seamly2d I have on my PC? I notice the old one is not coming up again tell me not compatible with my system
Grace makes my point very nicely, above. Thank you Grace.
@Malcolm What is your Windows version? Have you re-downloaded the seamly2d-installer.exe file and re-installed it? If the qt5core.dll file inside the seamly2d-installer.exe were corrupt everyone would have received that message.
Typically this error message is related to an incomplete application installation. Re-download and re-install the seamly2d-installer.exe file. Click ‘Repair’ and allow Adminstrator rights when prompted.
If re-installing Seamly2D doesn’t fix it, it could be related to a corrupted or incomplete Windows Update on your computer. Just found this: https://appuals.com/bad-image-is-either-not-designed-to-run-on-windows-or-it-contains-an-error/ Check your Windows Updates per the instructions in this article if the Seamly2D re-install still results in bad image errors.