Allow template draft blocks/pieces to be used by multiple patterns

Allow the user to draft and create a template draft or piece (say a sleeve) and save it

Allow the user to select that template draft or piece in another pattern (say a bodice)

The user can either:

choose to use the template draft or piece in the parent pattern as a read only reference. If it is a draft no changes can be made to the draft, but the user can create a new piece based on that draft. If it is a piece, no changes can be made to the piece. If changes are made to the template, then those changes are reflected in the parent (similar to how measurements work)

choose to copy the selected draft or piece into the parent pattern, in which case it can now be edited inside the parent pattern as though it was created in it. There is now no connection between the template and parent.

Either way the parent pattern’s measurements are applied to the template draft or piece

I’m sure there are issues to be addressed, but this is the general idea. Any thoughts?


No to all the above.

You need to go back and read the umpteen topics on the issues and why it’s not really feasible with Seamly any time soon. It’s all been said before, so I’m not going to waste my time explaining again what all the issues are with formulas, parsing and point name collisions.

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Why not have one ‘Template’ pattern which has everything on it? Everytype of bodice, sleeve, collar, etc. etc. with the pattern pieces all made up and ready to go?

Then… when you want to, you can load up a person’s measurements, choose which pieces you want for a pattern & print only those pieces needed.

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& use a template measurements file, so if you’re making a short-sleeve for a client, you don’t need to take extraneous measurements, such as wrist circumference.


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That is what I am doing making one file called allblocks so everything is included and interchangeable with each other. The sleeve will fit all tops and dresses I then switch off the all pieces I don’t want to print off.

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Yes, it’s so much easier.

However, if you sew for others, then you may need individual measurement charts. It’s nice to have ones set up for each size, then you only need to match the person to the closest measurement file and only edit the measurements that are different and save the file to a new name. Then you can load the individual’s measurements into the Seamly2D pattern and you now have a pattern with endless possibilities that custom fits your client.

Another way to create a custom measurement file is to open SeamlyME, start a new measurement file for individuals and import the measurement areas used in the pattern. This will add all the codes needed and you only need to add the values.

The one downside to this - depending on the speed of one’s cmputer - is the more draftblocks and pieces you add, the slower the application may start running. What most users don’t realize is that everytime you do something that causes the pattern to parse - such as adding a new too or changing an existing one - the app has to parse and recreate the pattern all over again. This is due to the parametric nature or the use of formulas in the pattern. The more tools & pieces, the longer it takes to parse.


Douglas I never thought it would start to slow things down. I would think for most people it could be a problem with multiple different measurements. Myself personally I don’t think it will affect me to much as the blocks will only be using one set of measurements.

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I have multiple pattern pieces and use Multisize measurement files and I very seldom notice the slowing down of the pattern when zooming in or out or after switching the sizes, although, if I look at the Task Manager, I can see that the CPU is running quite high. I think it’s only noticeable on some operating systems.

Sorry that I bother again with the same wish. Maybe you try to make it to perfect. Let me just explain how it is working at GRAFIS for example with a sleeve. The sleeve construction just a file as a pattern. As basic they use defined “z-values”. z01 is upper armhole curve front, z02 lower armhole curve front, …, z09 width armhole back. The sleeve pattern can only be added if in the bodice the “z_values” are defined. More or less the same with Seamly2d pattern will not open if unknown SeamlyMe measurement used. This “z_values” could be defined in the “custom variables tap”. z01 = curvelenght_A1_A45 or what ever.

IF @Pneumarian would be possible in the “custom variable tap” working also with values out of the pattern. ( honestly I do not get it why it is not possible all values are already in the “curve lengths tap” “line angle tap” etc. maybe just a order issue? I figured out that it is only possible to calculate with values which are above in the custom variable tap.)

PS. I am just a old white man with no knowledge of programming. Take it easy or just think “f**** of”. No is also an answer. Gr Michael

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@MG2024 Did you miss @Grace reply to you in the other topic? Control measurements - #4 by Grace because that’s the only way you can do it.


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:rofl: I have to laugh. Yes, those tabs do have the line lengths, curve lengths, angles, etc. on them, but they don’t have to be loaded at the start of the pattern. They get populated by the program as you create the pattern and are cleared when you close the pattern - they don’t get written into the actual pattern file. They are just a list and have no useful purpose except as a look-up.

However, with the Variables Table and the measurements, it’s different. Here is a screenshot of part of one of my patterns where I’ve underlined where the measurements (red) get loaded into the pattern and then the Variables Table (purple) is listed and then the pattern drafting (green):


This is what we mean when we say that, in Seamly, everything is saved in a linea fashion, things only become available if they have been created before the point you are working on. And since the Variables Table is before the actual pattern drafting, nothing in the pattern drafting is available to the Variables Table. It may be there fleetingly because it is in your computers RAM (Random Access Memory) but as soon as you refresh the table or close it, it gets removed from the RAM memory and reverts to 0 or an error.

I hope this helps you to understand it a little better… From one old person to another with no knowledge of programming :rofl:


Or more specifically the Variable table widget is replaced with the current data and the formulas are re-calculated. Which may result in an invalid formula overwriting it’s calculation cell (in memory) with 0.


@grace Now I get the point. Thanks for the gold fish brain proved explanation.


Yip! it’s a difficult one to explain without the full picture, that’s why I put a screenshot, so you can see what the program is looking at. :woozy_face:

It’s a similar situation with the translations of the measurement areas in SeamlyMe. We have Known codes that cover most, (if not all) measurements, and these go into the translator for people to help us to translate them into the different languages.

Anything user-added via the Unknown can’t fall into the translator, so can’t ever be automatically translated.

So, in your case, the best solution is to find the SeamlyME known code and if one doesn’t exist, use an Unknown that can be used in whichever language, or use the Variables Table for these so that when you change the name of the Variable, it will automatically update it in the pattern.

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quote=“Grace, post:15, topic:10231”] when you change the name of the Variable, it will automatically update it in the pattern. [/quote]

Really?!:open_mouth: … Ooh, neat!:star_struck::unamused:I’m pretty sure I used to know this :grimacing:


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Of course with saving to keep the changes. :slight_smile: