Déplacer les pinces d'une jupe de base/Move the darts of a basic skirt

Bonjour !

Je commence juste à utiliser ce logiciel et je voudrais savoir comment déplacer les pinces d’une jupe de base (2 pinces devant et 1 dos) dans le but de les fermer pour former la courbe de taille. A la main on utiliserait du papier calque pour reporter la courbe de taille.

I am just starting to use Seamly2D and I would like to know how to move the darts of a basic skirt (2 darts in front and 1 in back) in order to close them to form the size curve. By hand we would use tracing paper to postpone the size curve

Merci d’avance pour votre aide :heart:

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You can have a look at this video on how to rotate a dart.

Also, this topic might be a good read. It discusses the making of a facing for a skirt.

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Thanks for your help and good evening! :kissing_heart:

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