That’s precisely the situation where a CSA was needed in cases where the side seams and hem line are not square. By adding 2 new angle types we can mirror the 1st or 2nd edge and not need the CSA. In fact I’m thinking we could name the 2 new angle types:
by mirroring first edge by mirroring second edge
Union tool has not changed, other than the option to delete the orginal pieces has been removed as a stop gap measure to stop the tool crashing if any Internal paths were in either piece. There’s a bug in the Internal path tool with the incrementing where if you delete a piece with an internal path the app crashes the next time you load the pattern. So if a Union tool had any Intenal paths, the patten would automatically crash the next time the pattern was loaded.
I’ve resolved the incrementing issue, just trying to resolve a piece updating issue when Undo’ng (deleting) adding an internal path… and the Internal path tool will be fixed. Then I can address other issues and make improvements with the Union tool. Getting rid of the CSA code will help in that respect.