I made a tutorial for the basic underwire bra using the Kristina Shin Method. I only made it up until the details, I did not include labelling, seam allowance or notches at the moment.
These were the issues I had, if anyone has a better way to do this, don’t hesitate to enlighten us.
- Currently bra sizing is not included, so if I wanted to make this in a multisize, I would have to assign my band and cup values to the existing size and height selection.
- I cannot import a background image to trace, so I had to use reference points to draw my wire
- At some point KS draws a parallel curve to the wire line, as if you were to draw a seam. Trying to move this curve will not get the same result as some parts need to be moved left and others up, going inward, making the curve smaller. So I made a second curve to get the result I needed.
- To draft the upper cup, you need measurements from both bottom cup and cradle, so I did not follow the same order as in the book. I started with the bottom cup, then the band and cradle, and finally the upper cup.
Kristina Shin basic underwire bra tutorial.pdf (307.1 KB)
*corrected a few points → the Y points should be C5 and C6, added missing info on wingdrop