Seamly2D transalation problem

Hi, I was using SeamlyMe and in the known categories there is G03 highbust_circ and G09 hip_circ share same finnish name and it will lose other one from the list if you add them both to your measurements. They both are named lonkan_ympärysmitta.

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Hi @regei

Thanks for reporting the issue. Yes this would be a problem as every measurement name needs to be unique. I wll take a look.

Since I don’t speak Finnish… which measurement would you say lonkan_ympärysmitta correctly corresponds with - highbust_circ or hip_circ ? That way I’ll know which one needs to be changed.


Judging by the Full Name, Hip would be the correct one. The label on the measurement diagram for hip is G09. Lantion ympärysmitta while the label on highbust is G03. Korkea rintakehän ympärysmitta.

Confirmation & the proper way to abbreviate it remain in question.


Yeah, hip is correct for lonkan_ympärysmitta. For the highbust_circ right one would be korkea_rintakehän_ympärys or rinnan_yläpuolen_ympärys There are some other translations that are little bit funky, what is the correct place to report them?

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Thank you.

You could either just report then here, or PM them directly to me .

With that being said… I just took a look at the Finnish translation files and noticed that with all the changes and additions Seamly2D is hardly translated anymore. Would you be interested in helping to update the translations… or know someone that would?


Something else that just came to mind… if we change any of the other translations for the measurements, we have to bump the pattern schema so we can convert patterns that may contain old translations to new translations so as to not break existing patterns.


In order to be consistent with other measurements is using


accepetable? Deepl translates this as “high_chest_circumference” or “high_chest_bust_circumference”… where as using “ympärys” translates as “around”. Circumference seems semantically more correct than around. My dog can run around the yard, but the fence runs around the circumference of the yard.

Putting that aside… I then see other issues with other translations for “highbust”:

“korkea_rintakuva” - which Deepl translates to “high_front_picture” “korkearinteinen” - which Deepl translates to “high altitude” “korkeaan_rintakuvaan” - which Deepl translates to “high_front_image”

None of which have anything to do with bust / chest.


Forget that… Don’t know what I was thinking. The measurements are always written in English in the pattern, so we can change the translations at will. Which from what I’ve seen we should at least correct many of the “highbust” translations are there appears to be 3, maybe 4 variations on it.


I created an issue in Github in regards to the dupilcate measurement translation. For now I’m just changing the 1 instance of “highbust_circ” to “korkea_rintakehän_ympärysmitta”. Ironically the full name translation is correct.



We can work on fixing a bunch of other unfinshed / incorrect / inconsistent Finnish translations. I just want to fix the obvious bug for now.


PR was created, approved, and merged. Will be in the next release tomorrow.


I have gradually started a Finnish translation, but it is progressing slowly, and I tried to find interested people earlier here: Translation into Finnish - #2 by 03Pencil . In many places, the translation is really strange, and many measurement names do not correspond to the common names used in clothing in finnish. It would be important to get a corrected translation for the program. I am trying to find time for this, and if there are interested people, it would be good to do the translation as a group to get a more accurate translation. @regei maybe we can shere the workload for finnish translation?

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That would be great… I noticed that the Finnish translations for Seamly2D is really quite unfinished at this point.

Even though I don’t know any Finnish, trying to fix some of the sources for “highbust” I noticed many inconsistencies and strange translations. It got even stranger with “highbust_back”. I gave up on the idea of fixing those for now and just fixed the bug.

I concur.

May I suggest approaching this in 2 parts. Do the Seamly2D as one issue, then do the measurements as another… rather than trying to do both at once. For one it will make it easier to debug if errors pop up preventing the project to build.

I also highly suggest using QtLinguist to edit the translations as it will reduce the probabilty of errors. Linguist can be downloaded and run as a standalone and doesn’t require a Qt account. There are guidelines on translating and using Linguist on the Seamly Github wiki:

Note that the source code and Qt framework only needs to be installed if you want to have the dialogs displayed in Linguist to give you a visual context. The main reason to see a dialog in context is you’ll be able to see if the translation fits and / or the dialog layout resizes properly with the translation. Words in other languages will often be longer than in English which can mess with some layouts.

Also if collaborating it would make sense to create a branch on a Github fork and make commits often so as to be able to stay in sync with others who can pull any changes before making their own changes. Otherwise it’s going to be very difficult to know which are the most up to date ts files.