My background is design & development, software and product, at this stage I think the Valentina product is sufficiently different, and innovative, to say that I have confidence that the originator of the software has the right stuff to plow on in their chosen direction as they have been doing.
It’s very important to make sure that you don’t listen to the market too early, I have built enough products in the past and run many startups to say - trust in your individuality and ability to react quickly. Stay nimble and away from mainstream thinking - as it can be very homogenized. The goal is not to fit in with commercialization within the status quo, it’s to shift the thinking to blue waters of deeper potential. If you can walk away from a product development and say - you changed a sector, then you have done well. I see no reason why the Valentina project would not be able to achieve this in the short-term, and be very proud in doing so. It appears to be on track technically.
The Valentina product has enough commercial connectivity and relevance to not get too hung up on what others are doing. Some of the things I like about the Valentina project:
It is born from a real world experience and works to solve a problem - the backstory is delightful. The timing is perfect given that fashion CAD and parametric patterns have been stuck in old world thinking for decades - it’s a refreshing break from ‘others’. Keeping the sizing language central to the parametric tools hints at how CGI and digital avatar use will readily plug into this platform over other CAD packages that carry historic 2D baggage, I see this as potentially game changing. It’s open and the barrier to entry is minimal for those interested groups with a mix of disciplines, ranging from design to drafting to programming to CNC. The potential for 3D outputs tied to 2D is very real, as algorithms might also be tied to mesh objects and world of 3D garment creation. That the thinking is not tied too tightly into historic CAD workflows, and that the current workflow is uniquely building out their own space / beachhead - making ownership of that space, potentially a better investment longer term, certainly more exciting when combined with the potential for direct digital print onto fabrics and real-time garment customization.