My query is going to reap the wrath and ire (Again!) of certain members of this community, and I will either be ignored or scathingly lectured on things that should be apparent, even to those with IQs numerically lower than their shoe-sizes!
As a novice still in the process of learning to use the application and it’s features, I still somewhat struggle with what seem to be inconsistencies in the ‘Scope’ of User-Variables.
I show here two three screenshots of the Var-Table and have underlined (Highlighted / Highlit ?) a local variable that I created to hold a value of the length of Splines.
I filled the ‘Value’ with a formula (SplPath_C17_C22 + SplPath_C18_C22) which was available on the ‘Curve Lengths’ tab of the table, and the value was filled accordingly.
However, after closing and opening the table, the value (formula) was flagged as an error.
I find the inconsistency disconcerting, to put it mildly, and would appreciate a calm and informative clarification - including perhaps, a ‘User-Guide’ on this subject.
I do understand, at least a little, some of the scope constraints in this Application. For example, only being able to use values etc., created ‘Upstream’ can be used / evaluated by those objects further ‘Downstream’. Here, however, the objects and their values are clearly In-Scope, so I am obliged to ask ‘Why’ are these values ‘Available’, then suddenly ‘Unavailable’ ?
PS: With reference to the third screenshot; the value field can be restored by altering a different variable, which then seems to reinitialize the field. Since I cannot imagine these (SplPath) values going in and out of scope, why are they accessible then Not?
PPS: To those who might say “Just another User who doesn’t understand the complexities of programming”, might I offer my ‘Pedigree’:
I have programmed since the early 1970’s and have used at various times: Machine Assembler (Mainframe - Honeywell 200/1200/3200/4200), COBOL, Assembler COBOL, IBM (PC) Assembler, IBM Basic, MS VisualBasic / Visual C++, Pascal, Java etc. etc.
I have also used (at various times) DB-2, diverse SQL dialects, MS-VB Scripting for Excel / Word applications and others that I cannot name right now, since they have now been long-forgotten.
With that said, I would be willing to offer my time and remaining abilities in support of those who may like to take advantage of said abilities. All I ask is help with my familiarisation of the development environment, the tools, libraries / compilers and any other materials needed.