just for information. The pop up of the “edit formula” window does not open always proper on the 2nd monitor. Top left and Offset works well, all other options will still open the window in a unpredictable manner on the 1st window.
Btw the variable pop up always opens at the centre of the 1st & 2nd monitor. Just for information. No clue if someone would prefer to open it at the same spot as the other pop ups.
Correct. As I stated previously the Variables Table and the History are 2 dialogs that do not derive from the base class DialogTool. They also are 2 dialogs that write their size state to the settings. The position method resides in DialogTool. Also unlike all the other dialogs the Variables and History are non modal, meaning the can stay open while you still work. You can always just open them up and move them to the second screen.
I’m a bit baffled why the FX dialog was not positioning correctly as per the preferences. I even stepped through in debug mode and checked all the variables, like screen size, dialog size, which position, offsets, etc, and everything looked fine until the dialog->move() was called and the dialog would end up in some random spot. ???
At first I thought I’d just remove the dialog’s showEvent(), move the resizing (as per a change in size which gets stored in the settings) and positioning code to the dialog’s constructor, and it fixed the postioning issue. But then it disabled the sizingGrip so the dialog could not be resized. So I added the showEvent() back in, and it all works. Go figure.
It’s just a build made when ever a developer uploads a new branch with code changes and makes a PR (pull request)… Github automatically runs and builds that branch on the server. The builds left after building the branch are “artifacts”. It’s like a pre-pre-release. It allows others to test the build before merging with the main branch. If the PR build is successful, it can be merged with the main branch, at which time another build is made of the main branch as “pre-release” branch. Automatically at a certain time on Sunday evening / Monday morning another build is made with any changes made up to that point… that’s a “weekly release” build.