Application preferences notches length

Hallo, the notch length can be set to a maximum of 1.5mm. Is it possible to increase it to at least 3 or 5 mm? 1.5mm notches can easily be overlooked in print. Gr Michael

Application  preferences notches


Hmm, the max default size in the preferences appears to be 1.5 units, but the max size individually chosen appears to be 5 units.

Which is reasonable for cm, but is silly for inches, & basically unusable for mm.

3-5mm does seem usable, so I don’t think we need the max units increased to 15, but on the purely emotional side, my experience with “the big three” argues that it might be good to increase it to 10.


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Confirmed. Not sure why I used 1.5… when the Piece dialog is set to 5.


The more robust way to handle it is instead of limiting the max value in the form(s), is to code the max in the dialog cpp’s based on the pattern units.


Hallo, to increase to 5 units is also adequate. It would save me a lot of rework. I have not yet seen any notches with more than 5mm in practice. Thanks

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Oh good, I was concerned that it might have been one of those hardcoded into the wrong level sort of things.


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Well… it is harddcoded… in the 2 dialog ui forms. But the ui forms have no idea what the pattern units are… so have to determine that in each dialog class constructor, and setMaximum() for the length spinbox.


Ok folks… I played around with a few options, and this is what I came up with - keeping in mind that the current max length = 1.5 regardless of units, so I didn’t want to reduce that value.

So I have the prefs and the Pattern Piece dialogs to set the maximum as follows:

Notch length:
if units = mm then max = 40.00
if units = cm then max = 4.00
if units = inch then max = 1.50
Notch width:
if units = mm then max = 12.50
if units = cm then max = 1.25
if units = inch then max = .50

If the units are changed in the prefs, and the value then goes out of range of units() in the prefs dialog or patternUnits() in the Pattern Piece dialog, then the spinbox vaue is set to the max value respectively.

For ex: If the default units are cm and the default notch length is set to:


and you edit the properties for a pattern in inches… like resetting a notch to default length… since 2.060 > 1.50, the cm max is disregarded and spinbox val is set to the max for inches.

Screenshot 2024-05-28 110831

Conversely if the units() are set to inches and the patternUnits() in cm and you set the max length to

Screenshot 2024-05-28 120419

resetting the spinbox to default will result in


But the spinbox max will still be 4.00.

Also note that I added the units suffix in the spinboxes.


It looks good to me, @Douglas. I can think of a notch being 4cm x 1.25cm.

Thank you very much :slight_smile:

Actually that’s even a bit large… .6cm x .6cm would seem more like it, but again the thing was to fix the issue of the 1.5 limit when a user is using mm for the pattern units as 1.5mm (.06 inches) is barely visible.


Also I should note that currently the notch width defaults are 99.99 in the Prefs and 5.00 in the Pattern Piece… another disconnect. That’s why I decided to limit the width to 1/2 inch or 1.25cm / 12.50 mm. A width of 99.99 for inches or cm is ridiculous… while increasing the mm from a max of 5 up to 12.50 or ~ 1/2 inch.