Cant open my pattern anymore, seems o forget where the path to my measuremnts?

Hello everyone!

I am super new here and just made my first pattern. I was ready and traced it out to details, but when I opened it up the next day, it couldnt find my measurement chart anymore. So I am just a beginner and thought I may have done something wrong.

But today after redoing the whole pattern, i did hit “Rückgängig” a few times to undo some nodes and it happened again. Just wie the file was open it suddenly forgot where the measuremnt chart is and gives an error.

Please help me avoid this in future! What am I doing wrong? is it a problem with Windows 10?

Thank you all!


Hello @Quatschbanane and welcome to the Seamly2D Forum.

Please can you post a screenshot of the version of Seamly2D that you’re using. I have the latest test release loaded (1 March 2021) and on Windows 10 and have never experienced or seen this.

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Mir ist das auch schon ein paar Mal passiert. Ich suche dann die Messdatei und kann sie auch anklicken und damit arbeiten. Aber komisch finde ich das dann auch immer:)


Does this help you?


Wenn du die Messdatei findest, hast du dann einen Trick um den Schnitt ieder öffnen zu können? weil die Messdatei öffnen kann ich auch, aber egal ob ich sie nochmal neu speichere oder etwas ändere, es reaktiviert mein Schnittmuster nicht.

Wie arbeitest du momentan mit dem Fehler? 2x in 3 Tagen ist halt echt störend. ich habe mir den Grundschnitt jetzt als backup gespeichert und fange mit den Modelabwandlungen halt dann wieder von vorne an.

Auf der positiven Seite: Es war noch nie so spannend eine Schnittdatei zu öffnen. XD


Thank you, @Quatschbanane. Yes, the image does help. It tells me that you have quite a recent installation of Seamly2D, but not the latest.

I have no idea why Seamly is doing this to you, since it’s the first time I’ve seen anything like this, and I’m hoping that @slspencer or @Douglas will stop by and have some answers for you.

You may try downloading & installing the latest release here: Release Weekly release 20210301 · FashionFreedom/Seamly2D · GitHub.

And perhaps, while you’re installing the release, install the Visual basics, as well - The install will give you the option to Repair or to Install.

Other than that, if you can send me the pattern (.val) and the measurements (.vit/.vst) files, I can have a look at them & see if there’s anything that I can do to recover your work and perhaps see where/why it’s doing this.


Beim Öffnen des Schnittes fragt er nach der Messdatei. Das heißt ich habe keine Probleme den Schnitt zu öffne. Das kam manchmal vor dann konnte mit immer Anmut weiter helfen.

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Hello Grace, Thank you so much for your help! Here are the files, thank you for your offer to save them, but I have aready started all over and have redone them.

Maße Gr.18Mon-individual.vit (1,9 KB) OberteilGrundschnittGR86.val (23,2 KB)

I send them anyways in case you could find out what went wrong. I´ll try the latest update, maybe that already solves my issue!


It seems that something went wrong while flipping an object. I’ll see if I can remove it and if that doesn’t sort out your problems.


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Hello again, @Quatschbanane

I’ve removed the pattern detail that was causing the problem mentioned above. Here’s your file back:

OberteilGrundschnittGR86.val (22.3 KB)

I’m hoping that it won’t give you any more problems with losing the measurements file :slight_smile:

Somehow the point id = 130 got deleted? Don’t know the point name since it was deleted. I deleted the modeling and node references to point id=“130” and it opens for me. This appears to be more of not clearing “in use” references when an object is deleted??

See if this works… OberteilGrundschnittGR86.val (23.3 KB)

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Update… I found which point was missing… Point B in the “control box” draft block.

This also reminds me we need a better way to name (new) pattern pieces… it makes no sense that the name is buried in the Lables->Piece label data. A user should ber able to name the piece as it’s created.


The only problem just deleteing the < detail> is the modeling elements for the control box draft block.are still (orphaned?) in the file.

Actually upon further investigation Ive found that <point id=“130” idObject=“129” should be <point id=“130” idObject=“125”… 125 being the base point B. Have no idea how 125 became 129???

Fixed file. OberteilGrundschnittGR86_2.val (23.5 KB)


Yes, could it be something to do with pressing the undo, which @Quatschbanane did say that she was doing?

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I get the feeling this may be a bug that will be hard to reproduce and or track down.


Yes, I see @Scholli has also had this problem a few times. Perhaps she can recreate it?

Dear all,

Thank you very much for looking into it. Seems to be a bug in the older version, as it didn´t happen to me anymore since I did download the latest version.

Maybe that would help @Scholli as well?


mir scheint es ich habe ein generelles Problem mit dem runterladen der aktualisierten Programme und habe davon erst einmal die Finger gelassen, damit ich damit arbeiten kann:)


Can’t say it’s fixed - if indeed there is a bug - as I don’t think anyone else or myself has addressed the issue per se. It’s possible I incidentally fixed something.

BTW… as an aside - assuming that the box that had an issue in your pattern was for reference purposes in the print… I plan on adding some sort of tool to automatically add a reference box that one can check if a print / plot is the correct size.