Changing Seamly2d language changes fontsizes

Changing the app language result in modified fontsizes in the preferences. I guess it’s not intentional but a bug.

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Thanks JC.

Confirmed and noted… apprently this only happens when you change language in the Preferences and click Apply. And it only affects the Point name size - which changes to 96…hmmm. If you chnage language and click OK the font size remains unaffected.

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Thanks JC.

Confirmed and noted… apprently this only happens when you change language in the Preferences and click Apply. And it only affects the Point name size - which changes to 96…hmmm. If you chnage language and click OK the font size remains unaffected.

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Thanks JC.

Confirmed and noted… apprently this only happens when you change language in the Preferences and click Apply. And it only affects the Point name size - which changes to 96…hmmm. If you chnage language and click OK the font size remains unaffected.

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