Could Seamly be used in an IPad?

good day everyone. I have been looking for a platform where I can make patterns using my IPad. For the longest time I used Graphic but unfortunately they are not updating anymore. I found this software and was so happy to do so until I tried to unload it. It is likely an obvious question but is there a way I can use it in my IPad? I do not own a Mac or a laptop, IPad has been the system i have own for a long time. Any replies will be greatly appreciated.


Hello & welcome, @M1aTT5

Unfortunately, no, as far as I know it will only work on a laptop/PC that runs on either windows, Mac or Linux operating systems. At the moment, it is completely incompatible to Android.

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At the current time Seamly is considered unsupported on iOS. @csett86 would be most likely to know if it can be made to run on iOS without additional programming, or extreme geekery.



Unfortunately its not compatible with an iPad, it would require a massive rewrite, replacing many if not all parts of Seamly. So, no :frowning:


Thank you for your reply, I will see if I can get a platform in the future that I can use it in. Have a good day!


I get that iOS is different than MacOS… and that the real issue is the fact there’s no real keyboard, but In theory… Web Assembly build. Run the app in the browser. Also would mean the app could run from the cloud.

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But without mouse and keyboard, and no „exec“ calls, and a relatively low resolution, I would doubt that you could work with it


[Qt 6.7]

Qt for iOS

Qt’s iOS port allows you to run Qt applications on iOS devices, such as iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touches.

I think the main issue is having XCode installed… even when building with WebAssembly as I believe that’s where for ex: the virtual keyboard stuff comes from.


You can use a Bluetooth mouse & keyboard on the iPad, I just tried it… I sometimes us my MacBook as a second screen or visa versa. I haven’t tried to pass extra windows over but mouse curser passes over to both.


Understood. I would think though the reason for having any iPad app IS because it’s mobile with no need for a mouse and keyboard. That’s why there’s iOS which is different from MacOS.

Technically I think the tools are there were we could build a “widgets” based iPad app, but as @csett86 has alluded to, an iPad app based on QML - which is designed for mobile apps - would be better suited. That though, would require a major rewrite of the UI. In the end how useful would an iPad version be?

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I don’t expect there to ever be strong use of Seamly in a Tablet computing environment, (though I’m prepared to be wrong.) Some people will use it regularly as a tablet app. If it’s available on Android, I’ll certainly attempt to use it on my phone, but don’t expect to make a habit of it. The main use of having tablet support is boosting consumer confidence. ie, “I know I can use Seamly on my Tablet if needed, so it’s worth learning to use on my desktop.”

Similar to why 24hr convenience stores get substantially more business-hours traffic than “merely” extended-hours stores.

Of course, the gains (& loss avoidance) depends on Seamly actually working on tablet computers. Otherwise it’s better off just being the best desktop interface possible. But the marketing needs to reflect that.

There’s my yea & nay.


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Well, there are kits available to build Android… I’ve been tempted to try just for the heck of it. :slight_smile:

Using it on a phone with either iOS or Android I can see as futile. :face_with_monocle: I see it as an even more extreme resolution issue that @csett86 brought up when compared to even a iPad.


I use my ipad 95% of the time for digital paintings using the pencil. It more relaxing. My MacBook is only used 5% just for seamly. I do simple designs on the iPad in 1/4 scale and import them to the Mac and use Seamly to draft the final pattern. It’s been a big bonus being able to import images to resize and copy from. Whether I would use Seamly on the iPad I am not sure but would entice new users who don’t own a main computer.


Just to throw it out there from a programming perspective. For the heck of it I’ve started to learn C# and using Visual Studio for C++ and C#. Since C# is totally based on .NET, you can easily use the same code to cross build for iOS, MacOS, Android, and Windows… and I believe Linux as well depending the .NET lib used.

Not that I would ever want to port Seamly to C#.


I would like it. I know C# a bit… nice language

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