Crashing after trying to set anchor point

File crashing after trying to set anchor point.

ani fleece pants.sm2d (21.6 KB) ani 052824.smis (1015 Bytes)

What point are you trying to add?

I added point A14_a2 to the BK piece with no issue.


In fact I was able to add it twice. Hmmm. I should probably add a check for existing anchors to eliminate copies. Also I checked to make sure selecting a point (A26) that’s off of the piece is not an issue.


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i was trying to add A30. i tried again later last night and waited a little longer and it worked. but this morning i just tried to add some points to the BK piece and it crashed again.

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something is going on with the file. just open without doing anything it’s taking 100% of my CPU.

i did a save as to create the file and changed the measurement file. could that be it?

actually opened up original file and it takes 100% of my cpu as soon as it opens too.

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Try toggling the control points for curves off. There’s an issue with using up the cpu when they are yurned on… especially on Macs.


that fixed it.

sorry i forgot about that since i had it toggled off on a different pattern that i was working on. didn’t realize that it’s saved per pattern.


Yeah… sorry about the control point issue. I have an idea what’s going on, but until I can get in there and look I’m not 100% what’s causing the high CPU usage. I think it’s because you can either move the curve or a control point - where they have to update each other… so if you can picture changing a curve, the curve tells the control points to update, when the control points update, they tell the curve to update, the curve tells the control points to update, on and on.

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Yea! I have fixed the high cpu usage with the control points toggled on. Now just have to fix the same issue when zoomed in more than 100%.