Criticial error/can't find object

Hello :wave: I’m not an English speaker, I’m french, so I’ll do my best to translate.

I have a recurring bug with construction points in Seamly. I’ve restarted the software and the computer many times, but the problem persists. The points can’t be found and this opens a “Identifier error, end of program, ExceptionBadld : can’t find object, id = number” window. The program closes, I can open it again, it works for 1 min then I click on another point and the error message reappears. The “id = number” is different each time and the program closes.

I hope you can help me :smiling_face:

Thanks in advance :pray:,



Bonjour @marguerite

Que faisiez-vous avant que le problème ne survienne ? Cela pourrait être lié.

Sinon, quel système d’exploitation utilisez-vous ? Et quelle version de Seamly2D avez-vous chargée ?

Si vous le souhaitez, vous pouvez m’envoyer les fichiers de motifs et de mesures afin que je puisse voir si je peux vous aider.

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Hello Grace :smiling_face:

I was editing my pattern pieces (inserting nodes, adding an internal path…). This has happened before on other documents, but after reopening the software, the problem didn’t persist… I’m using Windows 10 and the latest version of Seamly (October 2024).

Thank you for your time :pray:

Manteau Alex - HOMME.val (110,5 Ko) Mesures Alex.vit (1,3 Ko)


I couldn’t see anything wrong with your pattern and it didn’t give me any errors. So I’m thinking that it’s probably because it is still in the .Val format, so I’ve saved it as .Sm2d. I hope that this is the problem:

Manteau Alex - HOMME - 1.sm2d (110.5 KB)

Mesures Alex.smis (1.3 KB)

I’ve also saved the pattern file to the new extension.

I’m hoping & praying that this will now work for you.