Is it possible to use the dart tool to correct the lengths on curves?
I doubt it since the tool only accesses straight lines, but the best way to find out would be to try it. You could always undo the changes if you’re not happy with the results.
It does not work My approach now was to draw the dart into the bend and mirror a darting line. Then I put the curve in a group and my, in the case, have redrawn waistline
Here is a couple of screenshots on how I tried to make articulated knees with darts. It is based on the Trouser pattern that Timo has posted a while ago. Would you use darts this way?
(I’m commenting in Finnish and in English, the latter at the bottom)
Hei @Wetdesign! Tapasi tehdä muotolaskokset jättää joitakin ongelmia. Ne eivät kuitenkaan ole isoja. Tärkeintähän on, että muotolaskosten sivut ovat yhtä pitkät, ja sen tavoitteen tapasi täyttää hyvin. Ongelmia on kaksi: saumanvaran muoto ylempien muotolaskosten yläpuolella ei noudata alkuperäistä viivan suuntaa ja muotolaskoksen keskiviivan sijainnin kertovaa hakkia ei pysty sijoittamaan paikoilleen. Nämä voi tietysti piirtää kohdalleen tulostettuaan kaavan, mutta olisi hienoa, jos ohjelma kykenisi huolehtimaan myös näistä viimeistelyistä.
Translation into English
Hi @Wetdesign! Your way of drafting the darts leaves you with some problems. However, they are not big ones. The main concern about darts is that the sides of one are of an equal length, and there the method you use works well. There are two problems: in the case of the upper darts the shape of the seam allowance does not follow the shape of the original line, and there is no way to place the notch indicating the axis of symmetry (in Seamly2D the term passmark is used instead, according to my experience, the more widespread notch). Of course, these minor problems can be remedied by hand in the printed pattern before you cut it, but it would be an improvement to the program if it would take care of these finishing touches.
Hei @Kuosini, saatoin tehdä muutaman hienosäädön ennen lopullista tulostusta ja ompelua. Ensin A4 arkille tulostetusta koosta, sitten proto halvemmalle kankaalle, viimeisenä joillakin tarkennetuilla mitoilla kuten polven korkeus, ympärysmitat vyötäröön, polveen ja nilkkaan. Housuosuus toimi sellaisenaan tulostettuna varsinaiselle työlle. Muotolaskoksista en löytänyt korjattavaa ommeltaessa. Toisaalta, muutinhan minä myös muotolaskosten aukkoa noin puloeen eli yhteensä 1cm A63 ja A67 välille.
Hello @Kuosini, I might have made minor changes to the pattern before the final print and sewing. I iterated by sewing a miniature as printed on A4 paper to start with, then full size on cheap fabric, and lastly with corrected measures such as waist, kneeheight, knee circumference and ankles. The final sewing worked like a charm with no need to correct anything. Oh yes - I reduced the width of the darts fairly much beeing approximately 1cm between A63 and A67 and the same with the other darts.
dart on curved seam.pdf (666,0 KB) Hi, for anyone interested, I made a “little” tutorial on how I make darts on curves. It may look complex, but think on how you would do it on paper.
If there is a simpler way, please let me know.
Good luck.
Thank you very much for this. I read through it but I’ll try it another day. It really looks amazing and can be used at the waist of the bodice, as well! Thank you very much
dart on curved seam (vs02).pdf (948,7 KB)
I made a update for the instructions, because I skipped a step between step 7 and 8. It makes only a little difference, but now the curves are identical between the temporary draft and the result. I think you could use this for any curve that is split by darts, even for a dart in the armhole. But I would suggest you try it first on a simple design.
Thank you
I haven’t tried this yet… Just under a bit of pressure with other work right now, but I will.