Duplicate/copy pattern piece

Is there a way to duplicate or copy pattern pieces? So I don’t have to reselect all points for a similar piece?


I believe it’s on the wish list, but not yet available.



Working on it. I need to finish cleaning up some of the issues with the modeling nodes, then I can finish the new Piece copy tool… which will also allow you to flip the copied piece. Once thats done I can then work on a replacement for the Union tool… which besides fixing the crash issues (related to the modeling nodes) it will allow you copy a piece flipped and join it with another. Such as attaching a front facing to a shirt, or drafting 1/2 a back and joining mirrored pieces to make a whole 1 piece back.


Hello @emilyli :wave:

Yes, most pattern drafting software allows you to copy and duplicate a current part in a fast way without repeating the point selection. Generally;, you can choose to duplicate or copy the item by clicking right on it. This saves time and ensures accuracy by keeping all original points and ratios; generating a perfect copy that you may modify as required. I hope this feature makes things easier and is helpful for you. :slightly_smiling_face:

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