Hi, If not already present (:= not yet found by myself) would it not be advantageous to be able to enable a ‘Tab’ function to move quickly across or between different draft-blocks in the pattern?
Either, for example: ‘Win’+‘Tab’ to move to the next block & ‘Shift’+‘Win’+‘Tab’ moving to the previous one.
Another, perhaps, might be having a ‘Tabbed’ view as implemented in Web_Browsers.
The latter would be almost preferable, since I often find myself needing to reference a different block in the same pattern file.
I agree, having a Blocks (by tab) Toolbar would be nice. Doesn’t NotePad++ that you mentioned in the other thread have a fairly effective tab-bar? (At least one of that class of text/code editor did back around the turn of the century) So maybe something more like that? Though I realize my 26+ block maritime signal flags pattern file is a bit of an outlier.
No. Not if you’re talking about have each block in a different tab window. It would take a major overhaul of the app to accomplish that, not tomention increasing the complexity a hundred fold. Beside I don’t see how selecting a drop down item is any harder than clicking a tab?
Not realistic at all. Right now we have 3 QGraphicScene’s… Draft, Piece, And Layout… to Tab the draft blocks the QGraphicScenes would now have to be dymanic… in other words a scene for each tab. Everything from the reading & wrting the pattern, displaying the Propertes Editor, every Tool dialog. History, Variables Taable, Data Container, Groups, MainWindow, etc… all would have to be rewritten instead of just passing the draftscene, you’d have to pass a vector of scenes to all those classes and every method that is passed the draftScene pointer. There’s 300+ calls passing VMainGraphicsScene. For ex:
It’s twice as many clicks, & a shift in scene. Tabs: click & you’re there. Dropdowns: click…parse…click & you’re there. Not significantly harder, but does nearly double the chance of forgetting why you wanted to switch blocks.
It sounds like you’re describing thumbnails? Which, I realize now, is a common companion to tabs these days. So for that reason it might be best not to give that mouse a cookie. But I don’t see why the equivalent of an always on (possibly multi-tier) dropdown necessarily has that much extra baggage involved?
If it’s still not worth it (in the forseeable future) that’s fine, but I felt that perhaps I had mis-presented my thought.