Epaule // Shoulder

Bonsoir à tous,

Je viens de créer mon buste de base grâce à Valentina et, je souhaite maintenant y ajoutez les pinces notamment la pince bretelle mais je n’arrive pas à créer l’angle dont j’ai besoin. Comment obtenir un angle de 72° à partir du point A20 comme montré sur l’image ?

Par avance merci beaucoup.

Hi, First, i’m sorry, i’m not a good english speaker. I made a basic bodice thanks to Valentina and now, I want to add my darts. I don’t know how to create a angle of 72°. How to have a 72° angle by the A20 point ? I tried to put 252° ( 180+72° ) but it’s not look good.

Thanks for helping me


Step 1 - Create a line connecting A20 to A11 and extend it as long as you wish using the Point at Distance along Line Tool.

Step 2 - Using the Point at Distance and Angle Tool, create a line as long as you wish, using the angle formula of AngleLine A20 - A21 plus 72


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Just use the Point intersect line and Axis… Select points A11 and A8… then select Point A17 and you can swing the axis to what ever angle you want - in this case AngleLine_A11_A8 + 180 + 72. A new point will be added on Line_A11_A8.

Here’s an example using one of my patterns… PLIA


Thanks a lot for your answers. I made it :smiley: