Error al imprimir patrones

Buenas! Tengo un problema con un patron de camiseta que costa de 3 piezas. Resulta que he ido imprimiendo a pdf las piezas por separada y no ha habido ningún problema. Luego al hacer algunas modificaciones sólo me ha dado la opción de imprimir todas las piezas de una, pero todo el rato me salen sólo 2 piezas en vez de las 3 que tengo y que se muestran en piezas! hay alguna forma de imprimirlas en individual? O sabéis a qué se debe lo que me pasa de no poder imprimir una de las piezas?


Yes. In Piece mode you can select which pieces to include in a (print) layout. Depending on which version of the app you are using the Pattern Pieces window may vary. Here’s what the current ver looks like. You can check which pieces you want to include in a new layout. I’ve checked only the Front Bodice piece… which would be the only one included in a new layout. From there you can just print the layout and it will only contain the 1 piece.


Older versions will look like this:


If you’re using the latest version, and the Group Manager / Pattern Piece tab is not visible, you can turn the visibility on in the View Menu.




Thanks a lot!!! I did not know about that ¬¬…


It’s a handy feature. You can draft pattern with several styles - such a long sleeve / short sleeve blouse, and just select only the pieces for a given style to print.

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