Error: Content of element unit does not match its definition type: string

2020-07-05 14_44_40-Search results for 'string content category_16' - Seamly Patterns Forum

It’s my first time using this and I’ve run into an issue after customizing a pattern on the Seamly website to my measurements then exporting the files and trying to open them in the program.

I did not open the files with any other software before trying to open them in Seamly, and after getting the error I opened them in Notepad++ but I am not familiar enough with it to be able to find the problem and fix it.


It wouldn’t let me add more than 1 link since I’m a new user! So here is one file…

Roxie Freeman Seamed stocking rev6.vit (1.2 KB)

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And here is the other file

Seamed stocking rev6 - Roxie Freeman.val (67.7 KB)

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@Roxie Looking into it now…


If you edit the .vit file in a text editor and change “inches” to “inch” then it will open. Clearly a bug which I’ll resolve in the next update. Thanks for letting me know.

Once you’ve opened it you’ll notice that there is something wrong around the ankle. I’m looking into this.


I have seen the same issue and you (@MrDoo) obviously found it and have the correction identified. I apologize for not reporting if sooner.


Thank you so much! I can’t wait to try it out!


This issue is with measurement height_ankle_high, this should be the height above the ground of the narrowest part of the ankle. As an example, a figure of 4 inches fixes the pattern. I think that the issue is that my pattern assumes that the ankle bone is 6cm from the ground and this is hard coded rather than a derived value.

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So this is about a pattern which was downloaded from Just want to know if a fix is required in Seamly2D…

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Hallo @slspencer: ich schaffe es nicht mehr mich auf der anzumelden. Gibt es da Probleme?

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@Scholli Send email to and let @MrDoo know you’re having problems logging in.