I have a pattern file with groups and quite a few personal pattern adjustments. I saved the file before exiting the software, but when I try to open it again, I get the error “exception: element groups is not defined in this scope”. Looking at the file in editor, I can’t see anything obvious, but would love if someone could help me recover it so I don’t need to go through the entire multi-step fitting process again.
We can’t open the file without a compatible measurements file, so I wasn’t able to make sure it’s usable, but here’s a copy with all the groups deleted:
Dress_shirt_Soren_20250210 (copy 1).sm2d (130.7 KB)
Also, I’m just plain out of time for today! Sorry. I’m sure @Grace or @Douglas will be more help when they come around! I’m suspicious that the groups may have gotten out of order, but Douglas knows about that stuff better than I do.
Thanks for the quick reply! The measurements file is attached to my post as well. When I try to open the file you provided, I get another error (see attached screenshot)…
I think that while I’m busy, you should update to the most recent version. You’re going to pick up problems when you load the pattern when I send it back.
I deleted the pattern pieces and it worked, closed the pattern, re-opened it and got an error.
Deleted the groups and it worked, closed the pattern, re-opened it and got an error.
I did this in steps, not all at once.
Something is really out.
So I created a new pattern and only copied over your drafting in the different drawing boards, now it’s working, but it doesn’t have any groups or pattern pieces.
I think you may pick up further errors once you create pattern pieces because, at the moment, it’s not handling the drawing boards. So I’ve cheated the software a bit in this pattern and placed all of the pattern pieces onto the one drawing board:
I’m not copying the groups or pattern pieces over because there’s definitely something in one or more of them that’s not working and causing errors. I’m so sorry but at least you’ll be able to use the pattern and put in the groups and pattern pieces.
Something doesn’t seem to jive with the number of <path’s and the <record references in the pieces… there’s 2 extra <paths inUse=“true” that have no reference in a piece.
But… I got it fixed. I deleted the 2 extra internal paths, and the one that was throwing the error (“755”) which I don’t quite understand as it’s correctly in the modeling section AND piece. Don’t specifically know what the path was… so it will probably have to be added back to the piece. I suspect it’s related to the incrementing of the internal paths and nodes… which I have fixed, but ran into a undo display issue I still need to resolve before I can upload the changes.
Yes… just be aware of the groups / image issue, as we’re bound to see that popup again. It had me stumped for a bit too, until I decided to compare the count of modeling 's to < records >'s and figured it out. As to why the modeling path for path id 775 was throwing an error I’m not sure… other than the referencing issues when deleting internal paths.
Hey I am having the same exact issue with one of my pieces. Next time I opened it I got the same error. Is there any recomendation for fixing this? Should I upload my pattern piece to help debug the issue? Below is my Seamly2D version.
I actually just solved this myself. I had a weird group tag with nothing in it at the end of my file. I opened the file and deleted the group and then all was well.
That might only be a temp fix. The < groups > and < images > tags need to be there… in that order. I suggest you update to the current release as a bug was fixed that could cause the tags to be written out of order.