Is anyone in charge or working on french translation at the moment ? The post I found seems to be quiet for some times now, and most links I tried on Transifex are dead… I started to work on the measurements translation, as I need them for myself, but any advice or discussion is welcome !
What I do know is the way in which Qt handles translations. First in the code anywhere a string is needed to be translated its wrapped in the tr() function… whether ones manually does it or the Creator IDE produces the forms with the designated tr()'s. From there the project can be run through the command line with Lupdate, and it will parse all the source files creating xml docs for the different languages with the .ts extension. So for example… the …Fr.ts file there could be a tag with the string “Notches”… and a translation tag with the french translation. Once you edit the translations for any new strings added, the .ts file get run through the command line lrelease to produce a .qm bin file. The qm files are then loaded by an app - in this case Seamly2D- when you select a language in the Prefs. The program then translates the UI on the fly… but only those parts that were originally programmed to translate. Whew.
So… what we need to do is do a Lupdate (which should be done periodically) … and you could then review and edit the french ts file(s) for Seamly2D and SeamlyMe. The best way would be if you setup a Github account and forked the project, but if you’re not up to that we could pass the neccessary files back and forth and I can push the changes to the repo.
In fact… if I’m not mistaken - and Susan could correct me if I’m wrong - that’s more or less what Trasifex does… you send them the files that need translating and they have teams that translate and send them back. Then they get added to your project.
My developer/husband understands your message and introduced me to Github
So I guess most of my technical questions will find answers, but it is up to me to find a way to formulate them…
I might be able to use Github in time, but it will probably be more productive as for now if we could pass the files back and forth : I am working on translations anyway, but probably not in a format that might be useful to you.
I have more “linguistic” issues with the actual french translations. And I will need some tailors, drafters and seamstress opinion on that
When I am in the SeamlyMe French UI, there is 3 different denominations for each measure.
In this exemple , in measure G08 the line on which the measure is taken is called “Petites hanches”. But in the measure G16, the same line is called “Bassin”.
For my personal use, I would “standardize” the labels in A, rewrite them in plain french in B, and explain the way to take the measure in C. But there may be a good reason for the terms to be different in the first place ?
In the Measurments page of the Wiki, the link to the downloadable Body Points Diagram is dead. Is there a way to find a .svg file somewhere ? Determining and translating those points would be a great start.
The English Wiki Measurement download is here: Measurements - Seamly
Just the other day, someone made a very neat PDF and uploaded it. I think it will help you tremendously.
No, not at the moment. Some one did an amazing job of the one that is uploaded, but all contributions are welcome since this is open source.
I did the originals in 2017 while I was learning the program. I wrote it in a way that its a tutorial rather than a manual - sort of step-by-step. I thought, at the time, that it would be better this way. If you can think of a more “Manual-like” way, please do it.
There haven’t been many changes to SeamlyMe since then, besides the removal of a few duplicate ‘Known’ codes, a few additions and the wonderful addition of the search field in the codes recently, which should’ve deviate too much from what is currently in the manual.
I’d just like a copy of your document once you’re done for future reference, please, and for translation into other languages, if possible, please.
And thank you very much for helping with this.
I am working on it, but I was especially looking for this diagram :
And I think I have the recent .pdf too, but I can’t find the post where I got it…
That is the one I used to make my first steps.
I would have abandonned Seamly a long time ago without it
I like it very much this way, but if I come with anything, you’ll be the first to know.
Can you give me an exemple ?
Sure ! But don’t expect too much too quickly, I’m still learning the mysterious ways of both seamly and the forum…
That’s kinda of what I figured. Baby steps.
Once we get caught up with any translations, we would only need to update when something new is added, or maybe once or twice a month.
Note… for using GitHub I use the (free) Atom editor and the GIthub Desktop to edit and sync the main & my local repo. The GitHub desktop makes it easier to deal with Git without typing out git commands.
BTW… if you find any text strings that are not translated - say in a dialog - and you feel like it needs translation let it be known here. There are probably may places where the code is not written to code various text strings, and I can try and address those areas. I happen to notice that in working with the About dialogs.
You can find all the diagrams and related PDF’s here: Measurements - Seamly
Just click on the image to open the SVG, right-click and save as to download it.
I’m sure any additions or removals would’ve been also made in the diagrams.
This is the new search field:
It just suddenly struck me that you may be having some “linguistic” issues due to the different pattern making systems:
There are some measurement areas (lots) where different books refer to different measurement areas with different names for that area. It could be that a name in one place is corrected, while in another place, it isn’t. This is quite an important feature for beginners in pattern making (I used it a lot when I was starting out and didn’t even know much about measuring ). I don’t know where, in the program, these files are hidden, but have a look at it and see if anything changes in French when you change the preference.
You just opened a whole new world of possibilities in front of my blinded eyes
So many books, so little time…
I also found some very valuable infos in previous posts here and here
Well… That’s gonna be interesting
I don’t think changing the “Pattern System” in the prefs does anything. It’s an unfinished feature. I think the idea was a user could select a pattern system, and then in SeamlyMe the user could create an empty set of measurements based on that system? Someone could correct me if I wrong.
The list of known measurements though are a collection of all the pattern systems, some being duplicate measurements with different names.
That said, In my opinion the pref should be removed until it’s fully implemented as it’s just a confusing red herring at the moment. It’s like a web site with the proverbial fais pas “Under Construction” that never goes away.
Well, that’s some kind of a relief, although I must admit I am a little bit frustrated
Yeah… it took me awhile to figure out the Pattern Systems doesn’t really do anything at the moment.
At any rate… I did some research last nite and I discovered I can run a Lupdate and Lrelease right from Creator. So I’ll do a Lupdate and pass the french ts files along. It’s fairly straight forward to edit the files… for ex heres an item from the FR measurement ts:
< message > < location filename=“…/…/src/libs/vpatterndb/vtranslatemeasurements.cpp” line=“192”/> < source>Height: Total</ source> < comment>Full measurement name.< /comment> < translation>Stature< /translation> < /message>
It shows where in the source file the tr() is, what the English source word is and the translation. If the translation does not exist it says type=“unfinished”. A simple search for unfinished will find any words that need translation.
Of course if you notice in the program(s) a translation is incorrect you can search the ts and fix the translation. Other than running Lrelease on the updated ts files and pushing the changes, that’s pretty much it on translations. Rinse and repeat for any other supported languages.
Edit: sorry for the mess… the forums is trying to treat the text as code.
Grace, maybe you have some insight here…
Speaking of the “language” and “pattern making system” in the prefs… since this was done well before I joined the forums - is there is a reason why
The Pattern making system option is in the Seamly2D prefs and not just SeamlyMe?
Why is there a separate prefs for SeamlyMe in general? In other words why should one have to keep two sets of prefs - one for Seamly2D and one for SeamlyMe? Following that logic if we were to add more app modules does that mean there would be even more prefs? IMO a user is pretty much going to set both apps (or a whole suite) with the same settings. ie: language, units, etc. I understand some prefs are only relevant to only one of the apps, but that can handled with each app’s prefs Dialog only accessing the settings that are relevant.
Why is there a GUI language AND a label language? Again, wouldn’t a user just use the same language for both or over the whole project?
BTW… in a stream consciousness… I have ideas for adding a Splash Screen to the program(s) and one features of the screen would be for “First Time” users, where settings like the language, units, user or company name, can be configured the first time a user runs the program.
Hi @Douglas
I only found the program in February 2017, and drove everyone crazy with my questions while putting the manuals together But I’ll try…
It is in both program prefs.
I have no idea. I can only think that the 2 programs were originally developed separately and later combined as one. I think that @slspencer would be the one who could answer you on this one.
You got me here too… Perhaps the label language is for people to sell patterns over the internet to people from other countries in their language? That’s all I can think of and the only time that I would change that.
Wow! That sounds great. Very well done. Yes, I think that would really help 1st time users. Just don’t take away the Preferences in the menu, please… I change things there quite often to help people on the forum
Ok, you do have the correct idea… That it was supposed to create a set of measurements originally, but I think that part of it was scrapped a while back.
What it does do, is it changes the names of the different measurement areas according to the different books you choose there. I have no idea whether it does this in any other language than English.
I can understand that this isn’t important for someone who does know how to make patterns before they discover the program, but I can assure you, for someone like me who only discovered pattern making AFTER discovering the program, it was like gold