German translation for Seamly to be continued

Hello everybody, as a german native speaker I tried to get used to the incomplete translation of the program surface as a mixture ofe english and german, named Dinglish (thats the naming a famous American comedian who lived and work for many years now in Berlin, named Gayle Tuffts, has given to her language mixture of English and German.) But to be serious again. I would like to help to continue with the translation to finish this project. Therefor I would be thankful for information how I can do that. and who is involved in this translation projekt. Bildschirmfoto 2023-08-10 um 23.52.50

Bildschirmfoto 2023-08-10 um 23.53.19 Bildschirmfoto 2023-08-10 um 23.55.16


Sure. Let me first ask if you have any experience with using Github, cloning a repo, and making Pull Requests?

In anycase 2 things you need are the ts file for language you want to translate, and Linguist - either as a stand alone or as part of Creator. The ts files can be found by cloning the repo, or if you donā€™t want to get that into it, someone coukd send you the ts file you needā€¦ Iā€™m not sure when I can send it to you as Iā€™m still in rehab after breaking my hip - could be a week or so.

In the meantime read this thread to get an idea about using Linguist.


@Douglas, first of all many thanks for your reply, and best wishes for your recovery and that everything will end up well. without complications. and to answer the Question , No I have no experience with Gitthub, cloning a repo and making pull Requests. Iā€™m a user of software can Install and Delete a programm can clean my HD make my backups thats it. I wanted to offer my Help to do the missing translations as making a List with the english german translations therefore dont need a translation programm Iā€™m german is my mother language, And durinng my worklife i did a lot of clinical research (Iā€™ m surgeon in my first life) and published some scientific paapers in international journals, and also joined scientific meetings in the UK and did some sicientific talks. So Iā€™m pretty sure to do the ,missing translations in a few days.

I think the suggestion you made sending me the file is the best way as I dont want to become a developper.

Whenever you or anybody else is able to do that send me the link.

Take care

I will


Understood. When I get a chance Iā€™ll pm the ts file to you. I suggest to use the download link I posted in the other topic to grab Linguist. Once installed you can just to open and edit translations in ts files. Once youā€™ve edited the translations you can just send the ts back and I can merge it into the existing one and deal with the Pull Request (PR).


Let me help here, so that you can recover @Douglas

Iā€˜ll pm the files to you @H.Naehmann and as I am a native German, getting the German translation back into shape was on my todo list as well for some time :slight_smile:


I pmā€™d him the ts files, but if you could resend him the ts files stripped of the obsolete / vanished trā€™s that would be great. I had a feature update with cleaned up ts files ready to push before I ended up here. :frowning:


Sounds good @Douglas, on it


@Douglas , @csett86 ,

I have done my work, hopefully and sended the file back to @csett86 as email. maybe it will help to complete the translation.


Just a quick status update: @H.Naehmann and me are working on the translation, and as Linguist is not the easiest program, and I am traveling, it might still take a little bit. We will keep you updated here


Why do you need Linguist at this point? I assume you need to merge the existing (German) ts file with an updated one from H.Naehmann. Canā€™t you use lconvert to merge the two ts files together? Once they are merged, then you can load the combined file back in to ā€œfinishā€ check any strings.

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@H.Naehmann is mainly using Linguist to translate and I use it to review the translation. The steps afterwards are all fine, but so far translation is not yet completed, so please be a bit patient with the both of us :slight_smile:


@csett86 , @Douglas , I will finish the translation tonight and send the File to @csett86 so that he can make a final controll. It was not that easy as I thougt due to an incomplete and inconsistant dictionary. e.g the word name hes two translations in the German language: 1st Name (mormally used for whats your name so for Living creatures (also pets). The second translation is designation (Bezeichnung). the name of a point is in my opinion a Designation and not a name. But in the german dictionary was already name and Bezeichnung and the existing translations where name and Bezeichnung mixed.

Another question due to the complicate German Grammer. There are some Informations or Instruction, like Do you want to continue. We have two translations for that, one is you (Du) as it used for friends, family and people you know. But for older People or peple you pay respect the more formally translation (Sie). I looked in some of my applications and Microsoft and adobe are using the more formal Translation, where as apple is more modern and using the more casual way. Some of the already translatetd sentences were mixed, so you have to decide which translation and change the translation into the one form.

And a final remark, the dictionary was like a swiss cheese, full of holes, there where less than 50% german translations existing. But I filled it with my translations.

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Thank youā€¦ I know itā€™s not an easy task.

I think as long as itā€™s consistent in use, and conforms to generally accepted garment industry and / or drafting terms - it really doesnā€™t matter - formal or casual. With me Iā€™d be looking at other apps like QCad, Gemini Pattern Editor, Krita, Inkscape.

Well the reason for the ā€œholesā€ is I more or less overhauled the UI as it was a mess from when we forked. Itā€™s also why Iā€™m glad @csett86 was able to get you clean files without the obsolete / vanished stringsā€¦ would make no sense in tanslating any srtrings that are no longer used.

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Thank you, @H.Naehmann, your work is now ready at feat: update German translation by csett86 Ā· Pull Request #1021 Ā· FashionFreedom/Seamly2D Ā· GitHub

I will go through it, there are still some HTML translations that need reverting, but overall this looks awesome!


@csett86 , it was a pleasure doing it I learned a lot

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@Douglas now did a thorough review and fixing of the German translation and merged it together with other translation updates. Thank you a lot, @Douglas


Since I just went through updating the Spanish translations, I figured it would be easier on my end to resolve the conflicts in merging the German translations. Please feel free to make any corrections. Also there are some translations I left ā€œunfinishedā€ open to review, as well as there are some new untranslated sourcesā€¦ some resulting from adding in the vwidgets folder that was missing from the file. There will be a couple new translations needed from the pending PR that changes the gike extensions for the apps.


@Douglas , @csett86 , many thanks for the update concerning the german translation, I *m not sure if this message asking me to do the final corrections? If so. lert me know.


@Douglas , @csett86 ,

what a surprise, due to my regular work I just updated seamly 2 D a few min ago and found the German Surface, And yes, I looked a bit around and found some Typos and as I mentioned before inconsistant translations for the same word. would like to help to finish it.


Agreedā€¦ I did notice inconsistencies with word choice or grammer in some cases. I assume that to be the result of multiple translators. So yeahā€¦ if you see were it can be improved - have at it. I can send you the most recent ts file, as thereā€™s all ready a few additional translations needed.

BTW - I had to fix hundreds of errors in the de_De.ts file to allow it to build, so just a bit of background. There is a set of translation tests that are made when the apps are built. The tests check for various errors in the < translations>'s. If when run the tests have any FAILā€™s, it prevents the project from building on Githhub. I always suggest to use Liguist to edit the translations as it can help identify certain errors before saving a ts file, and saving a lot of headaches, but IF directly editing the ts xml, one has to be careful to not introduce errors.

So for some general doā€™s and donā€™tsā€¦ which applies to anyone wanting to edit translations:

Do Not perform a mass search and replaceā€¦ it may translate text that should not be translated.

Do Not translate math functions (for now). It messes up the math parser. See above.

Do Not Translate HTML tagsā€¦ like width or height. See above.

Do Not remove the type=ā€œunfinishedā€ attributes unless pretty sure the translation is correct and free of errors. See above

Do Not remove any argument placeholders as designated by the % charā€¦ such as %1, %2, etc.

Do Not (under any circumstance) edit any < source>'sā€¦ even if there are typos or unecessary [spaces] in it.

Do maintain the same beginning and ending punctuation as the source. If a sentence ends with a period, the translation must end with a period. If a source starts or ends with a [space] the translation must start and end with a [space]. If the source ends in a ), the translation must end in a ) ā€¦ and so on.

Do translate Ctrl or Shift if the language calls for it - such as German.

Do pay attention to the < context> of a < source>ā€¦ depending on the context, it may require a different translation.

Do pay attention to Capitalization.

Do take into account the nature of the applications and use translations appropriate for sewing and garment industry CAD.