Get patterns from Valentina to Seamly

Hi, I have been a casual Valentina user, but I’d like to switch to Seamly instead. I am vaguely aware of the fork between the two programs a few years ago. Not surprisingly, my Valentina patterns will not open in Seamly. Does anyone have any suggestions of how to make the switch that does not require me to completely rebuild my patterns in Seamly? I have Valentina, which is the oldest version I could find. I had hoped that if my patterns open in Valentina, then I could also open them in Seamly, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.

Any help or suggestions would be great. Thank you!!!

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Yea! :slight_smile:

Well… on the positive side that Valentina version is not to far ahead of the split.

Basically you would have to remove any Valentina specific items in the XML file past the split ver… and then reset the pattern ver (sorry I’m a bit foggy at the moment what ver that should be). That could be a lot of items or none at all… it all depends on whether you used a new feature or updated tool. It would also be a good idea to use a pre-fork version of Seamly2D to initially get the Valentina file working… then you can use a current version .of Seamly2D to update the pattern. The reason I say this, is there are several changes in the terminology used. For example current Seamly2D files use the term “notch” instead of the non sensical “passmark”. It’s easier to just let Seamly2D update those tags

That being said… maybe we could have a topic here where a user could post a Valentina file that needs to hacked… um converted to Seamly2D, where other users familar with the XML schemas could convert files for others? BTW I’ve dismissed the idea of trying to maintain any compatibility with Valentina, as it’s more productive for me to work on new features of Seamly2D. Also, I’d rather not slow down the loading normal Seamly2D files… a conversion app would be a better option.

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Thank you for your response! The good news is that my patterns are very simple, mostly just points and lines and a few markings here and there. I am going to see if I can download an older version of Seamly2D – any idea what the latest pre-fork version of Seamly2D would be?

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Actually, I just played around with a Valentina file and a Seamly2D file in Notepad++ – I was able to get a very very simple file (literally 4 points and lines to make a rectangle) to work in both (by updating the header on the Valentina file and removing a couple of other lines), but there seem to be many many tags that need updating, so I’m going to bite the bullet and recreate my patterns in Seamly2D.

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I’ll need to look on my laptop… I’m on my phone so I don’t have access to Seamly to verify the exact ver.

Not neccesarily a bad thing. You will find as you learn more, your patterns become better… and it doesn’t take as long to create them.

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The last compatible pattern version would be v0.6.0.

The current Seamly2D version is v0.6.3.

The latest Valentina version is v0.9.0

Also don’t let the higher Valentina number fool you. It’s not like there’s a ton of new stuff. RT’s idea of programming is to update the schema for every minor addition. My idea is to group schema changes together, which is less disruptive, makes for less versions to keep track of, and makes for quicker loading as you dont have to update to each new ver till you get to the current one when loading an older ver.

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You could also try uploading the pattern into my-pattern cloud, which at one point could load Valentina files. If it does load, and you make a spurious edit and export it, it will then be a Seamly2D format.

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Yes… but I assume that will only work for pre fork files? … which you can just use Seamly2D anyways.

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