Hi from catalonia, spain. Mi name is mali i’m starting to learn to use seamly2d. I want to let For spanish people this message:
i’m looking for people who lives in barcelona area for make a group for learn to use the program. My knowledge is basic and i need someone teachme. I think if we make a learning group will be better for us our encounter can be in person or online. I discovered a girl in youtube who make a really nice tutorials in spanish her web site is called pixel y punto. I’ve tried to contact her included paying the class but she don’t answered me.
Hola desde catalonia mi nombre es mali y hace poco empece aprender el seamly2d por mi misma. Como para mi es un poco dificil estaba pensando de crear un grupo en el area de barcelona con personas que ya sepan un poco e irnos ayudando unos a otros. Podemos hacerlo en persona o online. Encontre una chica de bilbao con su pagina pixel y punto tiene unos tutoriales que estan super bien pero intente contactar con ella y no me respondio. Y ya no ha subido mas. Bueno no me enrollo mas. Buenas noches.
I’m very impressed with your idea to have a Seamly learning group. Unfortunately, I only speak English, but if I can help in anyway, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Hi grace thanks yes i have a lot of questions he, he, he. But chek maite moreno tutorials from puntada y pixel in youtube. Its shame that her don’t continue up tutorials. Sorry for mi english i’m trying to write the best as posible without translator.
I hope you find a group of interested people in your area. I started a similar group and it has really be helpful. Even though none of us are experts on the program or in pattern making, we all have something to contribute and it helps us to stay focused on learning the process of both.
Thanks to all for the welcome sorry that the system don’t let me write mesages for 9 hours from my last post. Is saying because i’m new member i can’t write no more of 4 messages.
Yo quiero !!! El programa me encanta pero tengo dificultades con algunas herramientas he visto algunas personas que hacen cosas maravillosas con el programa,de verdad me gustaria aprender
Hola @Malicat , mi dificultad es para agregar las costuras adecuadamente, hice una figura sencilla como para una camiseta y le debo eliminar las costuras en cuello y sisa, pero en el menu de las costuras solo me aparecen dos nodos
Hi @Douglas I hope to learn soon, for now I’m just creating simple shapes, but I’m having trouble adding the seams correctly, the system doesn’t recognize some control points on the curves
Aqui “nodos” significa solo los puntos. Selecto los puntos tambien cuando usa la hieramienta “Add New Pattern Piece”, o ahora puede usar la hieramienta “Insert Node”, pero esta poco mas difficil.
Si, lo visualizo como vector por eso es que le digo nodo, pero realmente verlo como puntos ayuda mejor a entender la construcción del patron, he intentado eso de insertar los nodos como me comentas, solo por curiosidad pero no hace nada, seguro cuando tenga mas practica entiendo como utilizarla
Only the points added as nodes that define the outline of a pattern piece are visible in Piece Mode. As it stands to reason. You can make an unlimited number of pieces from a draft block all based on which point or curves you add to a piece.
For example it’s a common practice to draft the upper and lower sleeve parts as one block… but then by selecting the appropriate points and curves you create separate upper and lower sleeve pattern pieces.
Are you saying you can’t select the nodes in the drop down list with the mouse? If this is the case it’s been reported before there seems to be (Qt?) issues with some aspects and the Mac Os. You can try using the up and down arrows and then press Enter.