how to divide a spline into equal parts

Good day! I have aт armhole. I need to divide it into equal parts. How can I do it?


Hello and welcome to the Seamly forum, @Chiga

I take it that you’re making the sleeve? If so, you need to draw a horizontal line that equals the Upper arm measurement. Then divide this line in half and the 2 halves each in half again. This will give the 4 equal parts needed to draw the sleeve cap. I use this tool:


I hope this helps, otherwise, send me a little more info so that I can help you better, please .

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Or if you need to specifically divide a curve in half you can use Point on Curve tools with a length formula of curve length / 2.

Screenshot 2024-02-27 102639

Here I have divided the Spl_A_A3 in half at point A5:


So now the length of Spl_A_A5 is approx equal to Spl_A5_A3. I say approx as there’s some rounding error with calculating the curves.
