I Can Not Use My Measurements

I Click FX

Then I choose the measurement I prepared before. Hem Width : 77 cm

But as you see It uses Its own measurement which is 5,4 etc.

Why It does not accept my measurement?

It also applies for all other my measurements. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/lr6pb4ocs0uf3ovnvysvr/Seamly-Measurement-Problem.mp4?rlkey=liqpi3zbceel6ewn9bhy41exe&st=po2e5txj&dl=0


First you need to delete the value in the box by clicking on the X on the right and then you have to double click on the measurement that you wish to insert.

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Or you can high light the part you want to replace, and then double click the measurement you want to use as the replacement.


Clicking the “reset” button un does any changes and restores the orginal formula.