Importer un logo dans des les pièces de patron


J’aimerai savoir s’il est possible d’insérer un logo soit sur le patron soit dans l’étiquette que l’on positionne sur le patron ? Merci d’avance. Anne

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Ein Logo wäre ja immer eine Bild_Datei. Das kann man soweit ich weiß nicht einfügen. Ich setze den Firmennamen ein.


Ich setze den Firmennamen ein.


Not yet. I think that’s one of the features which @Douglas nearly finished before his hard drive tragically died. It’s in the pipeline somewhere.


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Yes, loading a background image was part of the hardrive crash… I have it somewhat working with improved resizing and rotation controls, but I started to have issues syncing between the image toolbar and the image. I need to get back to it soon.

That being said, I think @bomadame is looking to be able to add a logo to the pattern (label?). Something that we can’t do right now, but not a difficult feature to add… just a matter of figuring out how to implement it.


Hello, yes I just want to add a logo in a pattern.