Installing on mac os mojave

hello everybody, I recently started pattern drafting on the computer and one of my friends suggested me Seamly but unfortunately it doesn’t work on my mac I mean I cannot even open it; is there anything I have to do before opening the app or something else, please help me


Dans quel répertoire est-il installé ? Pour moi, l’installation c’est bien faite. For me, the installation is well done. In which directory is it installed? Application, documents, Desktop, Downloads?

hello, i cannot even open it so no installing, the downloaded file is download folder, when i open the zipped file this will happens as you can see on the picture

Lors de l’installation, je n’ai que double cliqué sur l’icône et le programme s’est installé sans problème. Je n’utilise pas Winzip. C’est peut-être Winzip qui pose problème.

During the installation, I only double click on the icon and the program installed without problems. I do not use Winzip. Maybe Winzip is a problem.

Did you download the one for Windows? or the one for Mac? I think just download the one for Mac first and see if you have the correct one. There are 3 icons on the website.

Avez-vous téléchargé celui pour Windows? ou celui pour Mac? Je pense qu’il suffit de télécharger celui pour Mac d’abord et de voir si vous avez le bon. Il y a 3 icônes sur le site.

@emadsalimi - Were you able to double-click on the application and it installed? Supposedly, macOS can open tar and tar.gz files by default with the Archive Utility. Just double click on the file, and it will extract.