Is 64 bit the required standard for Seamly2D? I have looked though several old messages on this forum over the last few years ago and it seems like the intent is to support the 32 bit versions of windows. I normally use Linux but I recently have tried to download the Seamly2D software both from the forum website link and the Github release link. In both cases I get an error message that the software will not run on my computer. I believe this is because I am running a 32 bit version of windows though my cpu is 64 bits. The appimage (64 bit) version seems to work fine on each of the two machines I have tried.
Hi @AnnaFields, Windows 32 bit has been phased out. All Windows are now only 64 bit. So yes, it stands to reason that it will eventually filter through to other software for Windows, as well. However, I have the same problem. I run on 2 x 64 bit and 1 x 32 bit machines and the 32 bit was always out of date, as far as Seamly is concerned. I think @Douglas did fix this problem, but I haven’t tried to upgrade the 32 bit for a while.
Yes, seamly requires 64-bit across all platforms, including Windows by now
Theres no reason to NOT build a 32bit ver. I do it all the time with Creator, as you can’t run a 64bit build in debug mode. There’s nothing in the code that is specific to 64bit.
All I did was add back a 32bit build on my fork… which at the momment is way out sync with the main.
In that case, @slspencer we should definitely keep a 32bit build going for backward compatibility. Doing so will keep Seamly more accessible to underserved populations.
Yes, one of my concerns is that quite a few people are still running on 32bit computers, especially in South Africa, although they are catching up fast.
At least until such time a change in the API forces us to build only 64bit.
Besides… it’s not like nobody uses 32bit applications anymore - 1/2 the programs I use on any of my PC’s are x86.
If there is such a need, I am more than happy to get that back. I‘ll track it here Feature: 32-Bit build for windows · Issue #915 · FashionFreedom/Seamly2D · GitHub and provide an update in this thread once there is something to test fo you all
Thank you very much, @csett86
I, for one, would use a 32 bit windows build. My only issue at this time is that I purchased an HP designjet t500 which was inexpensive and not entirely supported by HP in the US. I have to believe this is a marketing or resource issue for HP because it seems that there is support outside the US. The 64 bit device drivers for linux work but every time I don’t use the large printer for a while something goes wonky. If I am in a rush, I like to be able to export to SVG and boot in windows to print the pattern on large paper. I rarely use windows at all and have not bothered to purchase a 64 bit windows license.
So, short story, I would appreciate having a 32 bit windows version built as long as it is as easy as adding a build configuration to the main repository.
Thank you, and keep up the good work. I appreciate you all.
@AnnaFields, @Pneumarian The 32-bit build for windows is ready as a prerelease, see the Release 2023.4.9.1643 · FashionFreedom/Seamly2D · GitHub
If everything is smooth, tomorrows weekly release will also have a 32-bit build for windows
Oh, wow! @csett86, you’re a star!!! Thank you very much
thank you very much (plus enough characters to let the system allow me to send this message)
And for future reference, its also live as a latest weekly release:
- 32-bit Windows:
- 64-bit Windows:
Thank you @csett86 !
@AnnaFields - Did the 32bit version solve your issue?
Yes, @slspencer thank you for asking. I was able to download and install the 32 bit windows version with no problem.