Is there a way to print the measurements diagram in SeamlyMe

preferably the complete location for the entire body?

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Hi, will it help to have the whole data as a graphic? You could have a look here => Measurements ā€“ Seamly (snipit from the Seamly2D Wiki)

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Hello and welcome to the Seamly forum, @Mrjeggles

To add to what @JCDesign has mentioned, I agree that the number of measurement areas is very daunting, however, if you turn on the Measurement Diagram, you will see an image that will make the measurement clear while you are adding your measurement areas to SeamlyME:

I find that making a list of all the measurement areas I want to use first & then adding the codes to the list most helpful, and then I use the same measurement file when creating a new measurement file, I just save it to another name. This way, I donā€™t need to keep on hunting down the codes :grin:

If youā€™re really needing a paper copy of the pictures which @Grace showed you how to activate in SeamlyMe, they are in the source code of SeamlyMe & can be found online:



Beat me to itā€¦ :slight_smile:

Just a noteā€¦ thereā€™s 104 SVGā€™s that make up the measurement diagrams.

That being saidā€¦ it would not be that hard to add a ā€œPrintā€ button to dump a measurement diagram to the printer.


Iā€™m not sure why that would be useful, but I desperately need it! :laughing:


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Why? When thereā€™s this on the Wiki?:

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Hereā€™s a 1-page PDF:

SeamlyMe Body Measurements.pdf (1.5 MB)

And a 3-page A4 PDF, with trim marks to join the pages. that should be fine if fitted to a Letter-size page:

SeamlyMe Body Measurements A4.pdf (1.4 MB)

Please let me know if I must upload them onto the Wiki.

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Assuming the user has access to the internet. I guess sometimes I take the topic title too literalā€¦ where the OP asked if here is a way to print the measurment diagrams IN SeamlyMe. :roll_eyes:

I could see a why thoughā€¦ if the diagrams were refactored to create a scene from individual elements of each measurment, where you could then display (and print) a diagram that contains only those measurments a user included in a measurement file. An end user of a pattern doesnā€™t need to know how to measure every ā€œknownā€ measurementā€¦ just the ones in the measurment file. :slight_smile:

Perfect. Thank You @Grace. Maybe we should include (one of) these in the Releases?

Update: Actually maybe it would make more sense to distribute a multipage PDF with no crop marks in A4 and Letter size? We donā€™t use A4 in the US, we use Letterā€¦ and it would be easier for users to not have to figure out how to fit the A0 on Letter.

In either case if the PDFā€™s are packaged with the release, I can then easily see a reason to add an option to ā€œPrint Measurement Diagramsā€ from within SeamlyMe. :It becomes a simple menu selction by the user, and we donā€™t have to keep answering questions where to find and how to print the diagrams. :slight_smile:

In fact Iā€™d eventually go a step furtherā€¦ those PDFā€™s should also be part a pattern package - where the end user has the reference how to take the measurements the pattern uses.


Iā€™ll quickly make a Letter size one for the USA :grin:


Hereā€™s the Letter PDF:
SeamlyMe Body Measurements Letter.pdf (1.4 MB)

The reason from trim marks is because some of the images & text go over 2 pages, so the person printing it will need to match up to join the pages, so Iā€™ve left them in.

Thatā€™s fine, but I think if I put them on the Wiki, then a link to them in the Help should be enough, since theyā€™ll need an internet connection to download Seamly, Iā€™m sure they can also check out the help & download the PDF. However, I leave that totally in your hands, I donā€™t mind either way. I just donā€™t want to bloat the size of the software download because then itā€™ll always take longer to download for everyone.

Ja-jaā€¦ I hear you :rofl: Perhaps you can add to the SeamlyMe software to add an image & description to the ā€œExport Measurements to PDFā€ feature that we donā€™t have yet :grin: - (Edit) that a pattern maker can include with the instructions that she has to write on how to make up the pattern.

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I have added the PDFs to the Wiki here:


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I couldnā€™t find something that matches your post on the wiki page you linked to, but I did find a ridiculously old link. Ah, there at the bottom of the page.

ETA: Eyeballing it, it looks like you couldā€™ve made a file of A4 short-side by Letter long-side, thus producing one ā€œuniversalā€ file. That may have been more trouble though.


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My 1st effort was meant to be printed adjusted ā€˜To fitā€™, I guess thatā€™s just not done, so now thereā€™s a PDF for each :smile:

I did the A4 & the letter both in landscape so that the pictures didnā€™t get too scrunched up or the writing too small.

The long page, I made it the width of the A4 landscape and the length of the 3 pages joined. As it is, itā€™s quite a high quality, so if anyone wants to, they should be able to print it at 120% or even more without losing too much quality.


Thanks grace for the download, that file will be a great help in finding the measurements I use instead of having to go into seamlyme and scroll the all the areas.

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