Issue #314: New measurements structure (dismine/valentina)

New issue 314: New measurements structure

Matthias Burkhardt:

At the moment, there are much much measurements in Valentina, in different languages, where many of them are meant the same measurement (i.e. “waist_girth”=“Taillenweite” etc.). This is confusing as the list is very long an the user has no search function.

Proposal: The measurements are structured, only one measurement for “waist_girth” is shown to the user, this measurement has an internal name to the program, and that internal name is translated by the UI into the UI language. Example: Internal (english) name is “waist_girth”. If the UI ist set German, this measurement is named “Taillenweite” by the UI. If the UI is set english, this measurement is shown “waist girth” by the UI.

Additional proposal: The Shortcut for the different pattern construction Systems is also shown in Brackets. Therefore, a picklist for the pattern construction systems has to be implemented.

Example: Internal (english) name is “waist_girth”. If the UI ist set German, and System HAKA/Müller & Sohn is picked, this measurement is named “Taillenumfang (Tu)” by the UI. If the UI is set english, and System HAKA/Müller & Sohn is picked, this measurement is shown “waist girth (Tu)” by the UI (if the english version of HAKA also uses this name). If the UI ist set German, and System Systemschnitt/Jansen&Rüdiger is picked, this measurement is named “Taillenweite (Tw)” by the UI. If the UI is set english, and System Systemschnitt/Jansen&Rüdiger is picked, this measurement is shown “waist girth (Tw)” by the UI.

This would ease the construction process and minimize errors by translating the measurement names.

The set of measurements should incorporate all basic measures used by the implemented pattern construction Systems. All calculated measurements (with the formulars provided with the construction system) could also be provided by Valentina if the underlying measures are available.