Layout - Getting one pattern piece over multiple pieces of paper

I am struggling to figure out how to have one pattern piece go over multiple sheets of paper. I only have an A4 printer and have pattern pieces bigger than one sheet of A4 paper. I know in most online paper patterns, the pieces come over multiple sheets of paper that you collate to create one whole piece. Is doing this possible? Thanks in advance!


Hello @Tow.mrent! Welcome to Seamly!

Yes, it is possible to do this. First you layout on whatever size of paper it will fit on, then navigate to the Layout submenu in the File menu, & choose one of the “tiled” options. I like preview, because there are often blank edge pages & I can see which ones to not print.

I hope this helps! If you need furthur clarification, (I know the print preview dialog can get confusing,) a forum search might turn up something, or just give us a holler.


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THis was a tip given by Grace on 6/2/22 on A2 layout for printing. How can I get my A2 layout to tile to 4 pdf pages?

Hope it helps.


I found what works best for me is to complete the layout, putting in all the labels and arrows and things. Then I export it to .SVG. I then use Inkscape to print each piece how I want it. For example, I have a pattern piece for belt loops. In Inkscape I made a copy of the beltloop piece which was something like 24 inches long. Then I create a new file, and copy the beltloop piece three times into the new file and arrange them on a single page, so it has the bottom, middle and top all on one page. I have found that the Layout part of the program does not offer any flexibily at all, and even small pieces often are on two, three or four different pages. Using the technique above, I can move the parts I want onto the page and print them in far fewer sheets.


Agreed… the layout algorithm needs improvement. Thing is, what’s your time worth? To me it’s not worth the time to find the least amount of paper just to save a few pennies. I just print all the pages and save any blank pages as scrap.


I put them back in the printer, upside down, & print on reverse side. :rofl:


Same here. I use them for proof prints, or printing the cleaning test pattern… or I just write notes on them. :slight_smile:

Of course at the shop we figured out using the plotter with Seamly, so figuring out the least number of sheets, and the time taping them together became a moot point… until all was lost in the fire. :frowning:


:sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

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