Lenovo Chromebook

Hi everyone, I’m new to Semly2D. How do I install seamly2D on a Lenovo Chromebook? Also, any additional resources would be extremely helpful!


Hello and welcome to Seamly2D’s forum, @francis

If your Lenovo is running on Windows, you shouldn’t have any problems installing Seamly. Just click on Download Latest at the top of this screen, select the Windows 64 bit version, download it and then unzip the file that you downloaded. Go into the folder and find the Seamly2D_installer.exe, double-click it to run it. and click on Install. It will run for a minute or 2 and that’s it.

When it’s done, you will find 2 new icons on your desktop… Seamly2D & SeamlyME… Seamly2D is the pattern drafting software and SeamlyME is where your record your measurements.

You will also find a link to our Wiki at the top of this screen where you will find all sorts of information about the software and links to a whole lot of videos created by our users. There is also a link that will take you directly to the Manual in the Wiki.

In the Manual section, item #8 - A Seamly2D Pattern from Start to Finish is a short pattern that will walk you through the basic steps to create a pattern from start to finish, which will get you up & running. It’s really worth it to spend the hour or 2 doing this exercise to get acquainted with the software.

Other than that, someone pops by the forum every now & then to answer any questions. We’re all happy to help. :slight_smile:

Disclaimer: Seamly is not supported on Chromebook. Neither Seamly nor myself make any guarantee as to the helpfulness of the following. We just certainly hope it serves you well.

Although officially not supported, I do have Seamly running on an Intel-based HP Chromebook, so it certainly will run on a Chromebook. Assuming that your Chromebook is not ARM-based, here are the steps as I recall:

  1. Turn on the Linux environment from settings. This will take some time & about 10 of your gigabytes.
  2. Open the Linux terminal, start the vm.
  3. Download the Seamly .AppImage to your Linux folder.
  4. From the command line: sudo chmod +x seamly2d.AppImage (or whatever it’s named, at its location.)
  5. You can now load seamly from its location by entering ./seamly2d.AppImage in the terminal. OR you can install it at the root level by:
  6. I input the following into a plain text file named imageInstall in the folder with my AppImage, so I only have to make sure the AppImage name reflects the latest version, & then type sudo ./imageInstall in the terminal.
./Seamly2D20240715.AppImage --appimage-extract
cd ./squashfs-root
mv -u ./usr/bin/* /usr/bin/
mv -u ./usr/lib/* /usr/lib/
mv -u ./usr/plugins/* /usr/plugins/
mv -u ./usr/share/applications/* /usr/share/applications
mv -u ./usr/share/doc/* /usr/share/doc
mv -u ./usr/share/pixmaps/* /usr/share/pixmaps
mv -u ./usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/* /usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128
mv -u ./usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/* /usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16
mv -u ./usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/* /usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256
mv -u ./usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/* /usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32
mv -u ./usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/* /usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64
mv -u ./usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/* /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable

As you can see, the latest version I have on my Chromebook was the mid-July build.

  1. Now you should be able to open Seamly2D & SeamlyMe from the App list same as any other app on your Chromebook.

I hope this helps! I can certainly clarify some of the points if needed! But didn’t want to go into too much detail without knowing whether your Chromebook was Intel or ARM.



You can also use the flatpak version to install and update Seamly2D, both on Intel/AMD and ARM based Chromebooks if you use Chrome OS:

  1. Install Flatpak: Flatpak—the future of application distribution
  2. Install Seamly2D: Install Seamly2D on Linux | Flathub