Measurement / Custom variables

Hello, since I work with multisize measurements, the custom variables are important. As I have read in the manual, it should be possible to import a CSV file. It would be helpful to be able to import only the custom variables or to allow formulas in multisize measurements in SeamlyMe. Gr. Michael


Hello, @MG2024

Yes, I totally agree with you on all of the points mentioned.

I have a bit of a ā€˜work-aroundā€™ for the custom variables that I use constantlyā€¦ I manually copy & paste them, from one pattern file, into the same position in another pattern file, using a text editor.

A simple way would be to create a ā€œNew Base Patternā€ file with only the custom variables in it, then every time you want to create a new pattern, open this base pattern and save it to a new name. All of your custom variables will be there.

Iā€™ve actually given this a lot of thought and have (personally) concluded that the Custom Variables work better, being inside the pattern, and keep my measurement file to only the necessary measurement areas. This keeps it short & sweet :smile: to work with.

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AKAā€¦ a template. :slight_smile:

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What manual? Yes it would be possible to implement importing a csv file of custom variablesā€¦ the issues are 1) Where is the csv to come from? 2) The CSV file would have to be validated as to whether it fits the custom variable format. You canā€™t just import any CSV file. Itā€™s why apps like a Spreadsheet have an import formatting mechanism to tell the app whatā€™s what in the CSV file. Itā€™s easy to export to a CSV, difficult to import.

A more elegant solution might be to create a new xml schema and file extension for variables (*.smv ?) - where we could export / import a set of variables. I could also see in the Variables table a way to select which variables are exported. That way you could import any number of variables, and create custom variable files.


What about an option to import variables from another pattern, that includes importing the formulaeā€¦ similar to SeamlyME importing the measurement areas used in a pattern?

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Thatā€™s an option too. I was thinking though that a variable file would be more granular, where you could file name a set of variables rather than trying to figure out what variables are in a given pattern or trying to isolate a given set.

That being said looking at the pattern schema for < variables>, would have to resolve the ā€œunique nameā€ issue, as you may encounter multiple variables with the same name, but different formulas. Again, itā€™s easy to export, but diffucult to import.

Actually as I think if it, Iā€™ll have to look at how ME is handling that issue as you could have 2 measurement files with duplicate measurement names with different formulas. Hmmm.


I think that, if one does import from a different pattern, it should be into a Variable Table that is currently blank - never used, like in a new pattern that one is about to start drafting. If there are already variables entered, then the import option should be greyed out. Would this be a possible option?

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Hallo, this was actually my basic idea to import the custom variables from a existing pattern. The solution as Gloria mention is a really good one and hopefully a easy task to realize. Gr Michael


Sure itā€™s possible, but why would you only want to import to an empty table? The way I see the idea of importing variables is that you could create a new set of pattern variables by combining sets of variables. Just like importing a pattern into ME merges the needed measurements. You donā€™t need an empty measurement file to import.

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Ok, it was only a suggestion to eliminate duplicate names, etc. and confusion, but if you have an idea, I leave it in your much more capable hands. :rofl: :upside_down_face:

Not difficult to check for duplicate namesā€¦ thereā€™s already a function to do so. Again, itā€™s possible there could be same variable names, but different formulasā€¦ in which case I would have it add both, but append a count to the variable name.


Ok, that can work.

Hi Douglas, ur first though is great just some steps to far what first idea were. The though u have is to import an patten piece. I would love to have it. I am use to work with Grafis. There is the option to import pattern pieces to a file e.g. to a body pattern it possible to add a sleeve pattern, a collar pattern, pocket pattern etc. It saves a lot of time especially with sleeves in case i want to switch between one or two piece sleeve. Gr Michael

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I think you misunderstand what I had in mind. Iā€™m not talking about importing pattern pieces - which has been talked about, but a very difficult thing to impliment for a host of reasons.

I was talking about instead of adding a CSV import option to the Variables Table, to create a new XML schema that duplicates the < variables > section on a pattern file so that we can export / import the variables file with beingable to validate the the data. Itā€™s difficult to validate CSV import data as you donā€™t have any idea what the data is, unless your app writes the CSV. Which Seamly does, but you still have to validate the data or you run the risk of some user loading some foreign csv file and the app crashes. You donā€™t have to validate the CSV data when writingā€¦ which is why we can export the variables.

I could try an do a CSV import, but what I would do it add another line before the headers to the CSV export to indentify that the file was written by Seamly2D, so that at least we could then check when importing if it was written by Seamly2D, then load the variables.

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Hallo Douglas, a XML schema could do the work. You are the expert I have no clue of all this stuff. A XML schema would be handy due to all the calculation for e.g back length has to be in the custom variables if I am using multisize meas. Gr Michael

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