Multi-size measurements for bras (lingerie)

Dear friends! Woul you be so kind to tell me if it possible to create multi-size measurements for bras (lingerie)? I find just options “height” and “size” when I try to create multi-size measurements. Is it possible to use “breast calling” and “plumpness” (for example 75 В or 80 C)? Thank you for your reply in advance.


We don’t have an option for cup size (A, B, C, etc.). But this is determine by the difference between the Bust_Circ and the Upper_Bust_Circ. Since all standard measurements are based on a B cup, these will also be based on the same.

The only way that you will be able to adjust the cup size is to do it manually in the Variables Table. This way, you’ll be able to have a multisize measurements for a range of sizes, but you’ll need to adjust the Variables Table for the different cup sizes for each size.


Grace, thank you very much for a good idea!