My T-notch looks more like the letter H and is plotting kind of far away from the seam allowance. Is this supposed to happen? If not, is there a way I can adjust it? Thanks for any help
oops… forgot include Okay I found the answer myself. For anyone else that runs into this problem, you can right click on your pattern piece to bring up properties. Then within the “pattern piece tool” there is an option to click on “notches” on the left. Mine had defaulted to plot it both on the seam line and the cutting line (hence the “H” appearance.) Also it gives you the ability to change the length and width of your T-notch marker, but it appears the minimum setting is .5 (Mine was originally set to 1.5, which was making it plot pretty far away.)
Hello & welcome, @weatherkim
Sorry I’m only seeing this now after you already found the problem
Well done on solving it.
Odd. I’m seeing a minimum setting of .125
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