New Linux appimage build, please test

Linux users! Please test this and let us know if it’s working!

Download here–> Seamly2D Linux appimage, built on 2021-05-11 <–updated link :smiley:

You can install the known-good Linux version from our website over this test version if you need to!

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That link is turning up a 404 :slightly_frowning_face:


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Yes, it is a 404 Error…

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I figured it out! It doesn’t exist unless one is logged in to github. So it’s actually more of a 403 error.

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OK Link is fixed. That was in a private repo. I copied the file to our public repo.


It loads, it runs, I have not found any functionality-breaking bugs yet.

One minor issue regarding the point names, but I’m guessing that isn’t an AppImage related issue. I’ll post about it when I have time tomorrow.


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The problem with the point names is really important even if it is only a minor annoyance for you. Linux desktop issues need to be tracked. Thanks @Pneumarian!

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I can probably already guess. The "wireframe mode " while in tool color mode is flipped? I’m guessing it’s one of those missing or added ! (not) in a state test.

Update 1:

Got the AppImage to run on my other laptop with Unbuntu. Yea. Once I got past some OS settings - seems to run fine -with the exceptions that the measurement pics are missing. and the wireframe state is flip flopping with toggling “use tool color” and it shouldn’tt be.

Update 2:

(Ubuntu) Linux just butchers some of the GUI. :frowning:

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The global point names default to off, which is fine, but the individual point name toggle only does anything when the global point names is on. Which means that the point-click-menu item appears to be non-functional until one finds the global option, probably buried. At which point one may see that the individual toggle had done something in the background, but it just couldn’t express yet. Obviously, that’s going to have to be the case to some extent.

So it appears that the individual points are set to show name, but the global option is set to hide names, so they’re hid. When the global option is set to show, the individuals may hide. But this means that one can’t choose to show individually, only to hide individually.

My first thought would be for global to default to show, so the individual settings have an effect before doodling around with the settings. This may be most helpful to new users. A Preference could be set to change the default.

But maybe someone prefers the name to be hidden unless they tell it to show. In that case perhaps it would be good to establish a null state as the individual default, & let the individual option override the global option, (as long as it’s not null.) Of course, with the simple toggle it would be impossible to set it back to null from the GUI, though perhaps there could be a “globally set individuals back to null” option in the same Preference panel as the default global to show/hide.

Of course, that extends like a fractal to a third layer in which there are four global options: Mandatory hide, global default hide, global default show, mandatory show. I’m sure the rabbit hole goes deeper, but I think I’ve followed it as far as is healthy.

One more thing. When I scrolled up on the font selector I got an error message: OpenType support missing for "Sarai", script 11. If I quick-scroll, I get several other fonts in error messages. My system default is the eponymous “Ubuntu” so the 'S’es are pretty close by.

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Ok @Pneumarian I’ll check the directory paths in the build scripts to include the missing diagrams from the /share directory.

Also @Douglas what are your thoughts on the default settings for point names?

Not sure yet what the fix is for the missing ‘Serai’ font.

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Do you remember what those settings are?

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Well… mainly setting the default font size to a smaller point size that does not result in elided label names in the dialogs, and the option to autohide the task bar at the bottom that covers the Seamly2D status bar.

Not sure what this means… the font selector widget should simply be reading the fonts installed on that system. It’s not like for ex. a dialog label calling for a specific font that’s not on the system.

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I’ll respond later when I have access to my laptop and can play with the app.


Ok… I took a look and refreshed my memory on the point names.

The only way around this - and keep it as a pref - is to do what I suggested awhile ago - create a Flash Screen with a “first time” check box option… where part of the 1st time use would be to force setting certain preferences on installation. The problem is anytime you add a (new) preference, there is no value set the 1st time reading the new pref… so by default it’s “”, 0.0, or False depending on the datatype… or in the case of the Point names - False which = off. Note this would only work for the 1st time installing Seamly. If you update the app, the ini file still exists, but without any new prefs, and again, some things maybe turned off.

The other option is to use a flag to track the state of the point name visibility instead of how the pref is set, and ALWAYS have the app startup with the names visible,

Yes… the hole would go deeper. My solution for now would be to not add the Show Point Name item to the context menu when it’s built on the fly - if the Global Show Point Names is toggled off. That would eliminate the hide a hidden name option dilema.


I think that sounds like a good stop-gap, if convenient. :cake:


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Should be a simple fix… just need to commit the changes on the branch I’m currently working on before switching branches. Don’t trust GIT anymore to stash changes when switching branches… and loosing work like the couple times it’s happened to me.


OK I’m going to accept this current github pull-request for building a linux appimage. The problems reported aren’t based on the build, but on prefs that are overwritten and on a directory that’s been left out of the build, these are separate problems.

The missing resources/diagrams directory is left out of linux & macos. I’ll get on that next :slight_smile:


Agreed on the main issue I had with the app on Ubuntu… is with the OS pref overriding the fontsize and chopping off text labels.

I’m happy to report though I believe I have found a solution to fix all the dialogs in the app to adjust to a larger font size. It works manually changing the size in a Windows build, or setting the Windows text scale to 125%, so I don’t see why it should not adapt to setting a font size pref in Linux. as you can see in the screencap below, the top dialog labels are 9 point, while in the bottom they are 11 point. The width of the dialog automagically adjusts on the fly to fit the child widgets - without chopping them, while keeping everything aligned properly. I can probably apply the same solution to fix other text that’s getting chopped - like the Toolbox dock toolbuttons.:slight_smile:



Hi, I’m new to this software but really enjoying it so far.

The new appimage crashes for me when I try to open a file. If I open something from the file history it works properly, but if I try to use the Open dialog the application closes. I get the following debug message:

(seamly2d:13457): Gtk-WARNING **: 14:39:48.499: Could not load a pixbuf from icon theme.
This may indicate that pixbuf loaders or the mime database could not be found.
Gtk:ERROR:../../../../gtk/gtkiconhelper.c:494:ensure_surface_for_gicon: assertion failed (error == NULL): Failed to load /usr/share/icons/Papirus/16x16/actions/image-missing.svg: Unable to load image-loading module: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory (gdk-pixbuf-error-quark, 5)
Bail out! Gtk:ERROR:../../../../gtk/gtkiconhelper.c:494:ensure_surface_for_gicon: assertion failed (error == NULL): Failed to load /usr/share/icons/Papirus/16x16/actions/image-missing.svg: Unable to load image-loading module: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory (gdk-pixbuf-error-quark, 5)

Thanks for your work on this.


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