New Ubuntu test build for Seamly2D!

New release for Ubuntu!
We need our Ubuntu users to take it for a test drive.
We have built new packages for Ubuntu Trusty 14.04 through Focal 20.04.
Please download and check it out!

or click on the Ubuntu download icon on our website at

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I’m having troubles on the install. Both with the .deb file and using apt.

Having issues with not finding the ‘xpdf’ package. It appears this package is no longer available in the Ubuntu 20.04 package repository.

Running POP!_OS 20.04 LTS

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Thank you @track5200!

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@slspencer, there is a pull request available on github from chililil93, which if merged will fix the xpdf issue

@Kmf - please create a new topic for the pdf problem, thanks! :smiley: