Newbie Here

I am SnowdogGirl or Shelley, whichever. I sew, quilt, everything but spin and weave. I’m very interested in vintage clothing and historical patterns. I’m making my second custom dress form using bootstrap. It occurred to me that I wanted to replicate patterns I’ve seen and so downloaded this open-source software. I know absolutely nothing about how to use pattern making software or CAD. I’m plunging into the dark abyss!


Hello & welcome to the Seamly forum, @SnowdogGirl

Oh, wow! I think you’re on the path of an amazing journey. Seamly software isn’t difficult to learn, if you already know how to make patterns by hand. It’s just a matter of getting to know the tools, which are a bit different than picking up a ruler of some sort.

Only one of the amazing advantages is that you put the measurements into a measurement file, which you add to the pattern when you start. After that, you use formulas that reference the measurements to create the lines and other objects that make up the pattern draft. This way, if you change the measurement file, the pattern will automatically resize from the one size to the other.

Please don’t hesitate to ask if you get stuck.


Hi, I’m Michaela, I’m czech and I work in IT project management for about 20 years. In my spare time I like to sew (but I am relatively new at it) and I would love to redraw all my paper patterns into digital form :slight_smile: I love this open source project and appreciate all the work you have done here, you are awesome!


Hi @M1cha3la welcome to Seamly!

I have distant cousins on the Czech-Polish border, so it’s always exciting to meet a new person from Eastern Europe. I’ll probably faint if I ever run into a Kukuczka. Unfortunately I have not studied the western Slavic languages as I intended to, so we’d definitely welcome help translating, if you would like to see proper labeling.

But most of all, I hope you have an excellent time using Seamly! Feel free to post any questions, even ones you think must be super basic, in whichever language you prefer, if needed we’ll use Google or DeepL to render them into languages which we are familiar with.


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Welcome to the Seamly forums. We’re always here if you ever need help.

My thoughts exactly. Looks like there’s only about 15-20% of the sources translated to Czech.

@M1cha3la… if you’re ever interested in helping with the Czech translations I can help and quide you through the process.