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Hi, had a very old version with .vst files etc. Updated to version 2024. The program is totally messed up. Deleting something or saving the program is not responding for minutes. Uninstall the old version does not help. There still something in de directory or where ever. It always keeps the old the preferences. How I can kick out all stuff that the update sofware will work. Also tried to install directly the opensource file. Hope someone has an idea to fix it.


Well that would probably explain the other issue you were having saving. And yes it always keeps the old Preferences… why would you not want to? In this case though I suspect that with changes in the docking area, newer builds have issues with the saved ui state in older prefs.

What I suggest is to either rename or delete the Seamly2d.ini and SeamlyMe.ini setting files.

For Windows they are located in:


Of course once you do that, you will have to edit all your prefs again. Let me know if this resolves the issue.


Hallo, sorry for the late reply. It still does not word. I did.: Uninstalled the software. Deleted all directory files. Deleted the roaming folder. New installation. Issues. Saving a file, deleting a point or line, etc does not work. Program is not responding for a long time. Opening a file or template just works the first time. Wait chain I have no clue. The only idea I have maybe a issue with the graphic card. Laptop: Windows 11 / 16GB Ram / AMD6 Ryzen 7 / AMD Radeon Graphics Do you have any other idea. Thanks Michael


I am using the almost exact same setup (I have 12GB ram), and I’m not experiencing the issue - so I don’t think that’s the problem.

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Hi Douglas, finally I found the issue. It is a problem with my GData Security. Only after I had installed the Unix version was it indicated that the security software recognised the files as Trojans.