Nuevo video sobre la herramienta "Herramienta Añadir ruta interna"

Hola. Ya esta publicado nuevo video sobre la herramienta “Herramienta Añadir ruta interna” en mi canal de Youtube Fashion Patron Ver video aquí. . Video pertenece al curso tutorial gratuito en español sobre el programa Seamly2d. Espero que os será útil. Gracias


Thank you very much, @fashion.patron. Please will you add the links to your videos to the Wiki? There is a section dedicated to videos.

I just fixed some previous links in the video list as they were outside the Community Video Channels < div>. That being said, there’s got to be a better way of adding links to the Wiki. I’m extremely proficient with HTML, and it took me a bit to figure out the editor.

While I’m at it… IMO the “Contents” section is useless… it just takes up space and adds to the visual confusion on the page. Kinda of stupid to have a ref to a link you can literally see 2 inches below.

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gracias. Intente hacerlo, pero dude si lo hice bien o no. thank you. I tried to do it, but doubted whether I did it right or not.

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The links were there, just not within the bulleted list.

It took me a bit to figure it out, but found the easiest thing to do is click edit, then select the list of videos… it will highlight the whole list box. Then select the link icon in the toolbar above to add new links. It should then add them to the list. You .can edit the source, but then you have know html.

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