Object Properties Display

I find the procedure for displaying the Object Properties Dialogue somewhat tedious. Would it be possible to implement a ‘Hot-Key’ within Seamly2D to display said properties (windows is, for example: ALT+Enter’ - this I find also somewhat awkward, so perhaps Left ALT + <Something close on the keyboard>


Admittedly, I’m more of a mouser than a boarder, but besides the fact that my right-click doesn’t work very well sometimes, I’m not sure how anything less than a psychically reactive properties dialog would be any less tedious?


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What’s tedious?.. you click with mouse to select a tool or use the context menu to open the dialog.

How is that supposed to work? You have to select an object with the mouse (or touchscreen) anyways and as soon as you click on a tool object the Property Editor displays the properties. In the case of the tool dialogs - why would you want to have to click on an object then use a shortcut to open the tool dialog?

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