As I’ve already threatened (Topic #11244) , here’s a suggestion for pattern marks.
Would it be possible to have marks for buttons (e.g. circle with cross), buttonholes (e.g. flat rhombus), marks for pocket entrée or dart end ( e.g. tiny circles) and fold direction for pleats (e.g. dart).
Right now each button has to be drawn. I am a lazy bastard not each button is a separate internal path I get the useless lines in-between.
It could be an option in internal path. I can imagine it is easier to realize with anchor points. More or less the same as a label or grainline, instead of a label or grainline it will place a mark.
That’s what I more or less have in mind. Just a bit of backgound… before I started working with Seamly I was working on own fork. Last thing I was working on was adding symbols.
These are the icons I used, where the red dot indicates the anchor point of the symbol.
The idea is to eventually have some of the symbols have options to place more than one at given spacings. Some symbols like the “cut here” would not apply.
Spacing options would include something like Place 5 symbols 2" apart starting from a given anchor point OR Given 2 anchor points space 5 symbols between the 2 anchor points.
Hallo Douglas,
it looks quite impressive.
How you want to realise it, with png’s or with grafics like the notches.
Honestly I guess not all of them are necessary. The beginning and the end of a zip can be mention with a notch from the existing pallet. Maybe an option for dart fold direction just adding “dart notches” or duplicate the grainline tool. For gathering I have no idea. Cut here and on fold would be luxury benefits.
Buttons are buttons on a pattern is not important if it a 2-, 4-hole, press button etc. More important would be an adjustable size. I would be happy with just button, buttonhole and a drill or mark hole. The mark hole in industrial patterns have a radius of max. 1mm, they are offset placed ca. 2 mm. I hope the suggestion picture are make my idea a bit more clear.
I am looking forward what you decide in your team and try to realise.
Yes… the svg/png’s for the icons is the easy part. Figuring out how to draw the symbols using the qt paint primitives is the hard part or creating a path for use in a QGraphicsItem.
No png’s… svg’s. The png’s I posted are just the combobox icons. Qt supports QGraphicItems. There are existing subclassed QGraphicsPathItem, QGraphicsSvgItem and QGraphicsTextItem classes… and you can chain them together as one item. In fact a “pattern piece” is a custom QGraphicsItem made up of all kinds of GraphicsItems:
Please improve your language this is a inappropriate conversation. I am out.
I tried to figure out what this is and how it works. Svg is easy to make. In my old white man arrogance I thought there is easy way to convert/translate a svg in a Qt-item. Error. Unfortunately I can not support with this.
I have no clue what you mean… you asked “How you want to realise it, with png’s or with grafics like the notches.”
I told you how I will implement symbols in the code. Just like everything in the Seamly2D app you see on the screen, the symbols would be a composite of QGraphicItem classes… “Q” meaning it’s part of the Qt API. So unless you want to learn Qt and build the app, there’s nothing for you to convert / translate. I could have just responded that I’ll perform some voodoo majix and at some point a symbols feature will show up in the app.
I don’t understand. An svg is a Scalable Vector Graphic file. I don’t understand what is wrong with it. A png is a Portable Network Graphic file which @Douglas will use in the icons while the svg will be used in the pattern.
U take me to serious. This was an quirky expression that I do not understand anything of this.
Your explanation was well done. With this information I could figure out how it works. After a research I decided that I will not dive deeper into it. Now I get the point of pneumarina why it is difficult to create the symbols for a QGraphicsItem.