Program in dark mode

Is there a dark mode in seamly2d?


No. To do it right all the icons would have to be reworked to look correct. That being said I can at least add a preference to change the background to a darker color.


Thank you for reply.

Hola Jels, estoy corriendo Seamly2D en Mac y tengo el aspecto de mi sistema en “modo oscuro”, en el panel Preferencias del sistema-General-Aspecto porque me molesta mucho el tablero blanco a mis ojos. He instalado la última versión 22-01-10 y ha aparecido en oscuro. He de decir que en el tablero de preferencias, algunas letras no se ven, porque están blanco sobre blanco. Pero ha sido muy agradable para trabajar. Espero que te sirva.

Hi Jels, I’m running Seamly2D on Mac and I have my system appearance in “dark mode”, in the System Preferences-General-Appearance panel, because the white board bothers my eyes so much. I have installed the latest version “01-22-10” and it has appeared in dark. I have to say that in the preferences panel, some letters are not visible, because they are white on white. But it’s been really nice to work with. Hope this can help you.

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Hey was this Preference ever added? I don’t see the option in the preferences. I sure would like a dark background as well! Gosh I’m getting needy lately huh?

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No dark mode yet.

To be honest a lot of the icons need to be reworked to look right.

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