Provide ability to format the annotation field

Currently it seems the annotation field allows a long string of text. If I am missing something, please let me know…

When the label prints, it shows as one long line. It would be great if the user could format it. e.g. create a list or use ALT/ enter to advance to the next line, so that the text will fall on more than one line in the label. In the older version of the SW, I had been using the orientation, tilt, rotation fields to capture individual lines of text, but the SW has since been changed.

Thank you for your consideration.



Without getting in the weeds… the labels were implemented in a rather odd way by someone who doesn’t know pattern making - such as using text fields for the orientation, tilt, fold position, etc. Not to mention they don’t really do anything. The fold position should be an “On Fold” symbol you place where ever. The Tilt should be a property value that detemines how much a piece can “tilt” off grain in a marker layout. The annotation should just be a “text” tool that a user can place formatted text anywhere on a piece.

That being said… I may be able to at least change the type of widget used for the annotation - which I believe is currently just a lineEdit - to a plainTextEdit that allows formatting in the text… such as word wrapping.


Thank you Douglas. That sounds like changing the widget would be a good solution.


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I took a quick look, and yes, it’s a line edit widget, which doesn’t wrap like the plain text widget would. Switching will loose the “clear” button, but that’s a minor sacrifice.


That’s great! :grinning: :+1:

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Well… as usual it’s never easy trying to fix things that were not done right at the start. :frowning:

I switched the line edit to a plain text edit… no problem there. Until I did a test of the label. The way the labels are programmed is by “lines” of text, where the first CR ends the line of text. So while it enters OK in the Piece dialog->Properties and the label preview, it cuts off at the first CR. :frowning:


I’m going to have to dig into the label editor code and / or the label graphics item to fix it.