QT Installation

The QT website seems to require that I create a user account in order to download the binaries. Is there somewhere else I can get the binaries from, or is it better to install it from the QT source code?


When I attempted to build Seamly on a Debian Linux branch using QT that I used apt to get, it ran, kind of, but kept showing a QT error that I couldn’t find online. Of course, without documentation on that error, I have no idea if that was QT’s problem, or whatever was calling on QT.

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Hi @Lowkus - Qt wants your email address to confirm that you’re not using their free & open source Qt version to make commercial products. What’s your operating system?

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If you still have this info, please start a new thread!

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I’m running Win7 x64. I have thought about building a virtual machine to run Linux so I can build for that platform as well, but I haven’t figured out which version of Linux I want to install.


@Pneumarian, What’s your error message? Lately I build on windows 10 64-bit using Qt Creator 4.11.2 (based on Qt 5.14), but I also have several laptops with Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. Maybe we can find what causes the error.

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(un)fortunately, I can’t remember what the error was, & since I have thoroughly uninstalled, installed, uninstalled, & rebuilt it, that problem doesn’t occur anymore.