Redesign Seam allowance tool

Hello I downloaded the most recent build for Windows (valentina_0.5.0.0a-20161121220111_i386) and noticed that the new seam allowance capabilities were not included. How can I get this capability? Is there another build that I could download or even several files that I could get and replace? Having the ability to configure unique seam allowances to separate edges of a pattern in a necessity for me and although I cannot help at this point with coding, I can certainly help with testing.

Hello, i know you all want this feature very badly, but unfortunately the feature is not ready now.

Right now it is still in early alpha and avaliable for all who will build feature branch. In the branch i publish finished pieces step by step (the feature very big). You should wait merging with develop branch. Then in next Monday after merging i will publish new test build that will include new features.:wink:

Watch this thread to know when this will happen.

Oh excellent! You believe it will be ready that soon? That would be awesome. I am really loving this program and would love to contribute, but I am not a programmer. Thank you so much for your hard work on the project!

No, no, no. Full redesign is far more than just custom seam allowance.

Contributing is not only developing, testing is also very important.

Okay all good to hear. I will keep an eye out on this forum thread and look forward to the test build. The test build will be available on Windows correct? Thank you.

Next portion of changes.

All work with custom seam allowance was done. This is huge amount of changes, but good part is these changes also make a lot easier to add Internal path.

Let’s see changes more detailed.

For example i want make a hem for this piece.

Basically i have only this

and current seam allowance doesn’t allow me create what i want. This is time for custom seam allowance.

First you need create new piece path. For this i made new tool Piece Path in section Detail.

This is a Draw mode tool. Works very similar to actual seam allowance tool. You can select not only points, but also curve segments.

Name mandatory, but can be not unique. Right now type only one - Custom seam allowance, latter i will add Internal path. Very important part. You must select a piece to which this path will be connected. Piece must be in the same pattern piece and must not be produced by Unite Details tool.

if all is fine in seam allowance tool tab Seam allowance you will find your path.

This section allows you select including start and end points and type of including. You have two options: as main path and as custom seam allowance. If start or end point or both are not valid you will not see a path.

You still have access to internals of a path. Call context menu on a path name. Depend on include type you will see tab Seam allowance or not. Why is it i’ll explain little bit later.

Because a path usually invisible or doesn’t contain points with labels the tool visualization will show this data when you open the tool dialog. For easy understanding difference between include types all examples will include the visualization.

And finally i will show you actual custom seam allowance

On the first example a path included as main path and extend it.

On the second example you see case when you need only side pieces of seam allowance.

And on the last example path included as custom seam allowance. This type says Valentina that a path is actual seam allowance. It will include it as it is. This is useful in cases when automatic seam allowance can’t produce result you need. You of course can achieve the same result with include type ‘as main path’, but selecting one option is a lot more faster. Especially if you have a lot nodes in a path.

If your path selected as custom seam allowance you will not see the tab Seam allowance. I think this is logical, because in this case you are saying program that you describe seam allowance manually.

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Yeah I am liking how that is working. So I wonder then, what if I wanted a 1" seam allowance on the front rise of a pair of jeans and then only 9/16" on the inseam? Would this new enhancement work? Real world scenario, I do in fact need three separate seam allowance on the front panel of a jeans pattern: 3/8" Outseam, 9/16" Inseam, and 1" on the Front Rise/Fly area.

Not this, previous.

Yes, i sure all will work.

Here is an example (from Adobe Illustrator) for reference.

Did you read the thread from the beginning? This is exactly what new seam allowance can do. You don’t need a custom seam allowance here.

Okay cool. Just wanted to make sure. Looking forward to testing it out. Thank you.

Next portion of changes.

Added conversion from old piece format to new local seam allowance. Of course not always such a conversion possible, if it could we wouldn’t have an issue ticket.:slight_smile:

Old detail:

New detail:

Wrong using OX and OY axes will be ignored. Open seam allowance emulated by 0 local seam allowance. For a curve mx and my values ignored.

Next thing to do is Internal Path.

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New changes.

Finally something new. I added Internal paths. This changes cover issue #509.

As to this:

If an internal path touches a seamline then it must be extended out through the seam allowance to the cuttingline.

I don’t know how to make this. Do we really need it?



I removed brush pattern from main path. Internal path supports pen style.

Now you can delete object from seam allowance tool dialog when creating a main path.

From now on you can undo selected object just by second selection. This make visualization more flexible.

We don’t need it, we can include the internal path in the Seam Allowance path to accomplish the same thing.

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@slpencer, i want to continue our discussion about automatic placement grainline and labels.

You said:

In Draw mode, Detail group, Seam Allowance tool, a user can define Grainline placement by either of two methods: a.) select Begin point from dropdown then select Endpoint from dropdown, (this section disables next section), OR b.) select Begin point from dropdown then enter length f(x), and angle f(x), (this section disables previous section) If data is blank then in Detail mode the user interactively drags grainline to the correct location and rotates into the correct angle.

I propose left only the first option. Two control points: begin and end can be controlled by formulas and will give the same result. Also these points can be converted by Unite Details tool and formulas not. Especially rotation values.

A label:

In Draw mode, Detail Group, Seam Allowance tool, a user can define Detail Label placement a.) select Top Left point from dropdown list and enter width f(x), height f(x), and rotation f(x)

The font sizes will be calculated using the width and height of label.

If data is blank, then in Detail the user interactively drags labels to correct location, expands to correct size, and rotates to correct angle.

First of all this tab is too big. This will make whole dialog window very big.

As i said before rotation formula hard to convert. What if ask a user set two points top left and bottom right?

According to points position we could calc rotation, width and height. I know, this is little bit hard to imagine, but could be very efficient.

What do you think?

Perfect. The first option is the one I like too.

Again, this is perfect. I like the “two point” options, they’re so much simpler.

I asked you about this and you said it would be difficult. This was before the redesign. I think Valentina users will like it.

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Okay then. I will do my part of job. I will add control points and return grainline and labels. Then @Bojan adopt them for control points.

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