Saving issues Windows 11

Hi, updated on the latest Version for Windows 64 bit. Each saving takes now minutes. Get the info “software not responding” after minutes it will save. Deinstalled and installed the software several times. Nothing changed. Has anyone a solution for this. Gr Michael

Hi Michael… welcome.

Last week’s release updated the xml schema to change “increment(s)” to “variable(s)”… not sure if that has anything to do with the issue. To check I just downloaded and installed the lastest Windows 64 build, and tested it with and without “increments”, individual and multizise, as well as a completely new pattern… I had no issues saving.

Does the issue appear when trying to save any existing patterns? Saving a new pattern?

For now a solution would be to revert back to the previous release, as there is no functionality difference. Then maybe try installing next weeks release and see if the issue is still there or not. BTW… just a hint - you can always install a new release in a different folder, so it’s easy to just go back to an older build.

Previous release artifacts.

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Hi Douglas, thx for the quick reply. Just checked it in accordance with your advise. Saving works aslong not using the “variables” of “multisize meas.” Hope the new relase will this fix it. Gr Michael

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